
Showing posts from November, 2010

Penultimate day

Woke late so only 16 lengths. A wierd day taking down pictures and clearing up, did game plan, interviewed staff and finished off some work, At lunch time to tai chi at Battersea. Only Howard there but good to be back with Tony again. Several people not coming to party. Liz brought stuff to the library and brought pictures and box home.

Advent 1

Cold! At Coulsdon we sang "Creator of the stars of night" arranged by John Scott, Kyries Byrd in 3 parts, Wood in the Phyrgian mode and I played Lloyd Webber's Rhapsody on "Helmsley". To Mass at Purley with David Palmer stuff - having a resident composer may not be a good thing! Soup and pizza for lunch - Liz bought party stuff at Iceland. Advent carols at St John's. Adrian gave me a funny retirement card. Guerrero Canite tuba, Stanley Vann (1910-2010) There is a flow'r, Jacob's ladder arranged by Stephen Darlington (I sang the solo - a charming piece), Veiled in darkness by Glenn Rudolph, Nun komm der heiden heiland of Bach at the end. Sorted out some songs for Tuesday but some missing from our Welsh visit!

Songs of Praise

My last Saturday and rather busy, Claire Corcoran came in and she said she remembered me at Addiscombe! Played for Songs of Praise for St Andrew's day featuring modern hymns. Lots of fish and chips and desserts followed by talent of auctions. Missed train by seconds so buses home on a very cold night.

Merlin 3

To South London interfaith lunch and Jon was there. Lots going on for National Interfaith week. Meryl and Daphne said they would take me out to lunch in January - they were doing the training course in the hall. To Westfield - most impressive and met Louise and CiarĂ¡n - he is walking very well. To Islington for recording of soundtrack for Merlin 3 - no TV to watch this time and a new piece from Rowan at 9.30 p.m. Home at 10.30 cake and schloer for Dennis's birthday. Today to Putney for my last senior development forum - Liz made delicious cakes for it and Andrew mentioned it 3 times and I got a big clap! I got my hair cut in West Hill. Police came about a case left outside library but nothing came of it. Dennis and Anne Marie still here. Liz went off to serve for Mass for Christians in Iraq.


To St Dunstan in the West which is a Romanian Orthodox church as well, and heard part of the Medtner piano sonata in G minor, Op. 22 played by Chisato Kusunoki. To Tate modern to see the amazing sunflower seeds by Ai Weiwei and recorded 2 video comments for the artist. The Gauguin exhibition was excellent but so many people! Cream tea in the friends room with a wonderful view but hard to hear evensong on the radio. Also looked around the main exhibits and films by Rosa Barba. To chorus and saw Oxford Street lights - umbrellas and boxes and blue arches in New Bond Street. Merlin rehearsal with Rob Lane. Watched The Apprentice.

Festival of St Cecilia

To Westminster Abbey - I was late so was greeted by the Dean in full rigout! A splendid service with msuic by Palestrina and Child. Wesley's Ascribe unto the Lord and a stunning commission Vast ocean of light from Jonathan Dove. The hymns were the Old 100th, I heard the voice of Jesus say and O praise ye the Lord. Horrid Messiaen at the end! Saw Adrian, Terence, bass from the Nicholson singers, Dorio and Anne Walsh from interfaith group. It doesn't work as well in the Abbey. Good sermon from Lord Griffiths. I did not get to speak to John Hawes. Nearly walked into Whitehall and missed student protests - police closed it off so tube to Temple for Matthew Martin's recital of Peeters, Schumann and Francis Pott Toccata. Oliver Brett was there.


I have been contemplating Fr Daniel's comment that "it is through our wounds that the Light shines into us". Cardinal Newman points out that in our ordinary work we can try to reach perfection. We do not stop our work to say the Angelus, the Angelus transforms our work. So it is in service that we show forth love. All we need to do is recognise the love of God for us weak as we are and allow the flow and the joy to shine through our lives in every part. How difficult this can be as we block the light in so many ways. I have been looking at websites about becoming an oblate. There does seem to be a group based in London. I have contacts in Worth, Minster, Belmont, Ealing and Doaui so the choice is wide. At this important time one must discern the right path to follow.

Father Daniel O'Leary

Dennis and AnnMarie are here having been to see CiarĂ¡n. Dennis has exams so off to Manchester. 34 lengths. To Victoria medicentre for my health check - my last one under the scheme. Nurse recognised me and a nice doctor. All is well. Cleared out music basement. To Cathedral hall for Silence in the City with Fr Daniel O'Leary who writes in The Tablet. He spoke about being authentic and letting in the light, going with the flow and the joy.

David Briggs

Bruce did in fact go back to Birmingham on Thursday to get more stuff. I went to chorus and we rehearsed Merlin 3 with Debbie. Emails about the low B flat for the tenors! Friday I did December music list and Christmas music draft, Darren and John organised a skip to get rid of the unwanted stuff from upstairs and Glyn Close. Dennis's old room looks much larger and will become my study. We set off to Paddington via London Bridge and Baker Street and arrived early. Train journeys went smoothly and at Newport we met Fr Barry Angus and Eric. Barry used to be parish priest at South Norwood but had to retire because of cancer. He is an oblate of Belmont. At Hereford we stood in fog for an hour as 3 taxis had crashed on the bridge and there was gridlock. Our taxi took an hour to get there and we arrived for dinner having missed session 1. David Briggs gave a splendid recital on the new Nicholson organ. He played Franck 3, Bach Toccata in F (pedal reed too loud for upper work) Dupre, Haydn...

Belmont Abbey retreat

Sat a.m. long chat to David Briggs and he signed my Franck. He was hilarious about Langlais and falling in love with a beautiful girl and being rejected! If you have experienced this you can play Franck! I was up early for 6.30 a.m. Vigils. At Mass we sang Alan Rees Mass of Peace and visited his grave. Excellent sessions from Dom Brendan on "Nothing more beautiful" ending with a meditation on the Our Father. Sunday up early and conventual mass of Christ the King - Orbis factor, Rejoice the Lord is King, Hail redeemer, The king of love and Christus vincit. Vierne No. 1 from Brother Stanislaus at the end. Final session before lunch. Taxis to cathedral and attended service for road victims. Lovely music - Faure, Goodall, The organ did not help in A touching place. Franck Prelude fugue and variation at the end. Got food for supper in M & S and wine left from Sat night. Exposition with lots of candles and vespers. After compline played the organ - old keyboards and loud! Bach,...

Moving Bruce

Good breakfast. Jet ill so packed up both cars and left around 11.30. Stopped for fish and chips at service area which had been burnt down and a temporary structure! Got to the new house outside Guildford around 4.15 having driven through Bracknell forest. Nice room and a share with 5 others. Drove home and back by 6 having listened to Hereford evensong. Ireland Greater love and Franck Choral No. 3. Dad's book is beautifully bound in 7 volumes and called "Finding a balance". The last sentence is "If music be the food of love, play on" - a fitting ending! Still more boxes to bring down.

Wendy Perriam

Option 2 to be open for consultation which means reduced opening hours for all, York closed, cut in book fund and management team. Rang Angela. Deleted more old videos. Meryl and Hilary came for reading group. 17 came and Wendy Perriam was excellent and fascinating. She liked the flowers! Dashed off to Euston on train and tube and there in good time to get to M & S for sandwiches. 9 am train and stayed at Etap in Birmingham.

Birthday lunch

Gave Liz card and book on the Pope's visit - she had guessed what it was! Typical! Took her to lunch at Gazette French restaurant oppposite the library. We had grilled sardines with cherry tomatoes, she had chicory and I had terrine. Chocolate ice cream and raspberry for Liz. Birthday cake and coffee at the coffee shop complete with candle! More meetings and clearing up. Mrs Oliver friendly and sorry to hear of cuts - I told 5 people who did not know about them - meeting is tonight. Let's hope for Option 2!

Remembrance Sunday

Early start as first service at 9.30. We sang Beatitudes to Greek chant really well! At second service with Royal British legion a good bugler but not told we were starting as late as possible so played Thalben-Ball Elegy, Solemn melody, Nimrod and Willan on St Anne and they came in in silence! Pie Jesu of Faure went really well (2 part version), St Anne fugue at the end. To Memorial hospital Shooters Hill an hour's drive in time for lunch and saw the memorial. To Firepower museum Woolwich for interfaith service with film. Fr Scanlon led it. National anthem to a recording did not work - band too slow and ran out of music in verse 2. Cup of tea and Hindu contact and Peace pagoda monk there so asked about a visit. Home and not to evensong - bit tired!

Servers supper

David Attenborough on fossils was interesting. Only one more Saturday to go - I was a couple of minutes late today. Threw out more old videos - sad to think that technology has overtaken them. To Mass at cathedral and arrived at offertory so all those dreary visits to Tooting Bec could have been avoided but I do like to be there for the whole service! Good choir from Shepton Mallet and Bach Fantasia in C minor. Excellent servers supper in the hall - starter, sausages and cake. Enjoyed chatting to Peter Stevens and Fr Michael Durand.


Wonderful 90 minute programme about Elgar on BBC4


Getting on with cataloguing scores and meeting about increasing issues.Tracy's PRP. Very heavy rain on way home. Practised carols and chose some different ones.


Wed to Interfaith group. I was late but the group had waited. I thought I had booked the Hinsley room and clergy house was inavailable. Any way we went to the cathedral cafe and had a good discussion there. Olga joined us for the first time. Met Sister Judith who had been in Peru for 30 years and lives in Croydon. To Chiswick and lunch at Carluccio's (gnocchi) and a yummy chocolate cake at Maison Blanc. Bought bells for CiarĂ¡n for Christmas at lovely toy shop. He is taking a couple of steps and climbing stairs, also throwing the ball and his bricks. To chorus for carols in great detail. The young Philharmonia voices have joined us. 9pm train to Birmingham (read Tablets) and started Kate Atkinson's "Started ealy, took my dog". Bruce arrived from Reading soon after I did so a taxi to the flat. Slept Ok and up at 8.15 a.m. Dismantled the units which Bruce has sold on Ebay. To the bindery to collect 4 copies of Dad's book "Finding a balance" all beautifully ...

Quieter day

To Age concern meeting at a very nice sheltered housing scheme in Thurleigh Road. I outlined the cuts and chatted to Lilias about St Columba's Pont street where she is an elder. Easy walk from the library. Did not have to go on the desk at all so did Lily's PRP and catalogued scores and caught up on admin. Showed Sabina ordering stationery and petty cash book. Fell asleep watching High Street programme.


Very heavy rain but surprisingly no leaks in library roof. Julian's mid-term PRP interview. Nice Diwali lunch from Milap group which I heated up for my tea! Andrew Green, Meryl and Sharni came for 2 meetings about cuts - good that we are discussing and Meryl remarked how mature and sensible the staff were. Yvonne Clarke came in and she will bring Penny who used to work at Battersea to the party!


Took Liz to St John's and collected CiarĂ¡n's stuff from Claire's, To All Saints Kenley - not easy to find in the dark - in fact I drove past it! Linda Williams' last service moving to Harpenden. Eric Bevan plays well and the organ is a Hunter. The bass booms and there is someone in the sopranos not on the note. Good hymns for All Saints includng "In our day of thanksgiving" and Karg-Elert at the end. Met Eric and Olga who has 6 children and sings in the choir. Listened to BBC Choristers of the year - odd how some boys sound like sopranos if they have vibrato.

Thomas Campion

Two Bookes of Ayres: The First Booke XI. by Thomas Campion. Neuer weather-beaten Saile more willing bent to shore, Neuer tyred Pilgrims limbs affected slumber more, Than my wearied spright now longs to flye out of my troubled brest : O come quickly, sweetest Lord, and take my soule to rest. Euer-blooming are the ioys of Heau'ns high paradice, Cold age deafes not there our eares, nor vapour dims our eyes : Glory there the Sun outshines, whose beames the blessed onely see ; O come quickly, glorious Lord, and raise my spright to thee. We sang this at Coulsdon and I played Howells Psalm Prelude Set 1 No. 2 and Walton's Crown Imperial. Frankie (odd name) was baptised complete with dummy! Vintage car run this morning. Catenians were at Cathedral Mass.

Royal Academy and confirmation

Up early despite a day off and watched end of Big silence part 3. Also more episodes of Michael Wood's history of England based around Kidworth in Leicestershire. Changed to thick quilt, hoovered and took out vegetable stuff to compost heap. To Towards Advent in cathedral hall and saw John Ainslie and Mary Rouse on SSG stall, also met Clare and Polish tenor from Acton who sang at the wedding! Bought a CTS booklet on praying with Newman. To Royal Academy. The Glasgow boys very crowded. Nothing new under the sun an intriguing collection of old and new. Dennis was late for tea and we only saw him for 15 minutes! Vespers and confirmation with Bishop Alan Hopes who does it so well! The new Westminster children's choir enthusiastic but not very much on the note and this caused younger servers to giggle. We sang Now thank we all our God and Peter played the Karg-Elert. Car in Pimlico and home amid fireworks. We got fish and chips. Watched Michael Palin on the end of World War I. Alexa...

Jacqueline Wilson

To choir practice and started choosing carols. On way home listened to Jacqueline Wilson talking about happiness. I have been singing the Hsrper Lamb of God all week. Spoke to Barry today and he is coming to the party like everyone else - only 2 people missing it so far!


Thursday 40 lengths. To chorus to rehearse for Kings college concert in great detail. Friday Liz was baby sitting CiarĂ¡n last night. To Battersea to get shop stock. To town hall for meeting about the cuts which are bad. Option 1 involves closing 6 libraries, Option 2 cuts in opening hours. To pensions dept with documents. 3 staff meetings to explain cuts. Thank God I am retiring when I am and if Battersea Park closes I shall be very upset. I expect the public to go for option 2.

More than Gold

2 crowns at dentist instead of the expensive bridge and nothing more to pay! To 3 Glyn Close which is looking empty. To spirituality day on "Blessed are those who mourn" with Mary Lean who has African connections. She is excellent on a difficult subject and gave us some fine poems and passages. Maureen was there in the morning but the tube strike affected attendance. To Tate Britain to see Eadweard Muybridge (much of it pretty dull) and the Turner Prize - only liked the singing but is it art? Love the 2 fighter planes in the Duveen gallery. Decided not enough time to get to CiarĂ¡n's. To Regent Hall with Liz and Maureen. Fr Allen there. Inspiring presentation about More than Gold. Christan volunteers at the Olympics. Met James Parker the RC rep. Watched The Apprentice.

Last ever game plan

40 lengths and tried to interest pensioners in protesting about the end of free swimming next April! Showed Sabina and Chris how I do the game plan - my last ever one and changed it 3 times! The tube strike made for a quiet evening catching up on things. Have done more invites for the party. Watched a nostalgia programme about the 20s and 30s and the secret life of the National Grid. Liz was smoke at cathedral Vespers and then to Bromley Parish Church to sing in Howells Requiem. Suddenly felt on way home how lucky I am to be alive on this All Souls day with a wonderful wife, family and friends. Gerry said something last night about how nothing matters and I can't agree - everyone matters and we are blessed by those who have gone before. There was also a lot of nonsense about jollies for Catenians from people who have never been to annual conference!


Downton Abbey was excellent again. Loaded lots of photos onto laptop. Woke late and got in at 9am. Liz went to Bow for gas man and they were delayed. Meetings with Chris and Sabina and lots more clearing out of rubbish and old videos! Sonalle took her photos down. To Catenian meeting 10 of us and 10 visitors. Chatted to Roy Parker and Frank Brennan. Colin gave me a lift home - I had Guinness. Chatted to Oliver Brett on face book - he goes to Sydney Dec 26 to Jan 7.