Last ever game plan

40 lengths and tried to interest pensioners in protesting about the end of free swimming next April! Showed Sabina and Chris how I do the game plan - my last ever one and changed it 3 times! The tube strike made for a quiet evening catching up on things. Have done more invites for the party. Watched a nostalgia programme about the 20s and 30s and the secret life of the National Grid. Liz was smoke at cathedral Vespers and then to Bromley Parish Church to sing in Howells Requiem. Suddenly felt on way home how lucky I am to be alive on this All Souls day with a wonderful wife, family and friends. Gerry said something last night about how nothing matters and I can't agree - everyone matters and we are blessed by those who have gone before. There was also a lot of nonsense about jollies for Catenians from people who have never been to annual conference!


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