Thomas Campion

Two Bookes of Ayres:
The First Booke
by Thomas Campion.

Neuer weather-beaten Saile more willing bent to shore,
Neuer tyred Pilgrims limbs affected slumber more,
Than my wearied spright now longs to flye out of my troubled
brest :
O come quickly, sweetest Lord, and take my soule to rest.

Euer-blooming are the ioys of Heau'ns high paradice,
Cold age deafes not there our eares, nor vapour dims our eyes :
Glory there the Sun outshines, whose beames the blessed
onely see ;
O come quickly, glorious Lord, and raise my spright to thee.

We sang this at Coulsdon and I played Howells Psalm Prelude Set 1 No. 2 and Walton's Crown Imperial. Frankie (odd name) was baptised complete with dummy! Vintage car run this morning. Catenians were at Cathedral Mass.


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