Festival of St Cecilia

To Westminster Abbey - I was late so was greeted by the Dean in full rigout! A splendid service with msuic by Palestrina and Child. Wesley's Ascribe unto the Lord and a stunning commission Vast ocean of light from Jonathan Dove. The hymns were the Old 100th, I heard the voice of Jesus say and O praise ye the Lord. Horrid Messiaen at the end! Saw Adrian, Terence, bass from the Nicholson singers, Dorio and Anne Walsh from interfaith group. It doesn't work as well in the Abbey. Good sermon from Lord Griffiths. I did not get to speak to John Hawes. Nearly walked into Whitehall and missed student protests - police closed it off so tube to Temple for Matthew Martin's recital of Peeters, Schumann and Francis Pott Toccata. Oliver Brett was there.


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