Southall interfaith walk

Sorted out reading for degree. Played for wedding at 3 p.m. - new hymn to "I vow to thee my country". Met with Vickie to choose music July/August and then did music list on laptop and took practice. By the end my back was hurting a lot but I got a good night's sleep after watching Paul Merton on Hollywood. To Southall for interfaith march for peace. Visited Visnu hindu centre and then to Southall Park for most impressive stage and marquees put on by Sai centre. Miriam, Clare, Alfred and Barry Mellish and his wife there. Nice lunch provided by Birmingham Sikhs. Bahai choir sang and Buddhists sang. Amazing Grace was used as an interfaith song! Bus and tube delayed so arrived at 3 p.m. for Mass for married couples. Liz serving so we did vows in the well. Good hymns - Come down O love divine, Praise to the Lord, Jesus my God,Now thank we all our God. Widor Toccata. Madeleine was cantor. Tea at M and S. Smoke vespers and Mass with Father Tim. Drinks for confirmation in corridor. Trooping on TV, Have I got news for you, QI.


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