Brahms and Liszt

Took Liz to Tescos to shop and swam 20. She was delayed - could have done a lot more. Melvin Lim is emigrating to Vancouver so emailed John Fulton with his email details. Professional cleaner came for 3 hours at a reduced rate so bathroom and floors all clean. Took everything out of downstairs toilet for the clean. Tai chi and Tony impressed at my progress. Painted above porch and 3 other small patches of orange - needs a second coat but looks great. Put flowers back in front and everything back into toilet - the wine cellar! A hot day so stripped off shirt in the end! Liz packing to go away so went on own to prom. Just too late for Kevin Volans talk but heard it on way home and unimpressed and his piano concerto No.3 was awful. Meistersinger overture with score, Liszt La Notte and Brahms 1 with my score - love the horns at the end. Stand in Danish conductor did well. Picnics going on in gallery - not that many there!


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