Mahler and Brahms

To church having woken early and made picnics and sandwiches. Vickie asked me to stop practising before the service - this was at about 9.20 so I went down to the piano. This is the opposite of last summer when she said people enjoyed it! I played Boyce, Barber Adagio and Dad's march. We sang "Dear Lord and Father" just as we did at Mass last night. Picked up Liz and arrived at royal College of Music in good time for choral workshop on Klagende Lied with Anna ? who had some wierd warmups involving clapping. An interesting work and a good session. To Da Mario through a shower in Gloucester Road for delicious buffalo cheese, pizza Diana, prosecco and tartuffo. Debbie Miles-Johnston came in - she was singing in the concert. To RCM for talk on the work and the concert was great. Gardner conducting, Christian Tetzlaff played Brahms violin concerto. The 6 Westminster Abbey boys were heroes of the hour - had score for second part only. Watched Sugartown on return home.


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