Prokofiev and Nigel Kennedy

Woke as normal and had breakfast and then fell asleep again. Had a wierd dream about giving an organ recital but having to practise and use the loo in the Catholic church next door which did not have a loo. I was worried about changing into the right trousers and then a procession arrived headed by an elderly cleric who greeted me and then the Cardinal put his hand on my shoulder and said "You're giving the recital next door aren't you?". Hoovered and finished the ironing watching 2 more episodes of "The Hour". Liz needs help dressing and I helped with the cooking too. Vespers and Mass with Fr Tim who is moving to Rickmansworth because of his left leg. He is 69. Cathedral singers of Australia from Sydney sang Brett McKern's setting and he conducted - nice to meet him. He has ACertCM medal. Palestrina Sicut cervus not that great. To second half of NYO prom - Prokofiev Romeo and Juliet conducted by Jurowski - stunning. LIz sat downstairs arm in sling. I got 9 and tube to Voctoria to bring car to the hall. Big crowd for Nigel Kennedy playing Bach solo violin pieces. Couple next to me whispering and canoodling and mobile phone too - a bit much. Left after some jazz combo bits and home by 12.05 p.m. Bach is more interesting to play than listen to.


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