Gustav Holst

Wednesday to Acton Park with Ciarán playing with ball and on his trike. Later he got his new scooter and he now has super wooden track and accessories. I went to spirituality day with Sarah Richards on gentleness. She spoke of a 80 year old nun greeting here at Eden Hall near Edenbridge with gentle firmness and warmth and it reminded me of the greeting received at monasteries and how that initial greeting makes the retreat. She also gave us lovely pictures of the Virgin Mary. I had prawn salad and fruit for lunch and got calendars at Church House bookshop for Ann and a funny one for us. Gentle rain! To meeting with Roger Wright about the Proms - they rather fobbed off the issue of the 20 minute rule whereby season ticket holders arriving late end up at the end of the day queue and sometimes do not get in. Charles raised it and Eugenie commented on restlessness durign modern works. Comments on staff and lack of fountain were made. More training is clearly needed! BBC orchestra brass were much better than last time. Bridge Isabella interesting, Birtwistle's new violin concerto played by Christian Tetzlaff not impressive - searching for a tune? Planets with my score well played and conducted by David Robertson - chorus started too softly. Late prom BBC Big Band in a tribute to Stan Kenton centenary - good playing and singing from Claire Martin. Home after midnight and did emails.


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