Last night of the Proms

Woke around 6 a.m. and went back to bed and had breakfast with Ciarán. Tom still asleep! No trains so various buses to arrive at the hall by 10 a.m. for roll call. Chatting with Peter and then to Marks Kensington High street for coffee and shopping - apparently this is their best day for wine! Sat in very nice garden behind St Mary Abbots in memory of Alec Clifton-Taylor. Got sticky tape for hat decorations. Back for 3 p.m. roll call and then stayed in queue. Amazing outfits especially Germans and lots to eat. Had cava. Went in at 6 p.m. and rehearsed Maxwell Davies new work with words written by Prommers. Stephen Jackson hopeless! Got a very good position on the rail at centre and young family near us. Several people who came on the day. It seems only 30 full seasons were issued for the gallery so we were very lucky! Many people had to buy 2 half seasons not including the Last Night. Maxwell Davies piece in tribute to prommers collecting for musical charities. Bartok Miraculous mandarin suite (score keeps going the other way!) Susan Bullock superb in Gotterdammerung Immolation scene - orchestra on great form and love the ending.Lang Lang played Liszt no 1 (score could not hear triangle) and Chopin X 2. Grainger for choir and I got very hot and feverish and had to sit down. Probably something I ate as runny tummy later on. Britten Young person's guide with score for part of it and new poetry. Climb every mountain, You'll never walk alone, Rule Britannia (SB in great costume with spear and helmet) Land of hope and glory, Jerusalem and National anthem and Auld lang - OK for all of these and shared cakes at door 2 and got bus and train home. Tired out. Never had such a turn before - got very hot with straw hat on decorated with Proms programme and bowtie on. Everyone so friendly and in good spirits.


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