Laetare Sunday

Saw the rest of Catholics programme 3 and heard Guildford's stunning evensong again featuring Philip Moore and John McCabe and Howells Psalm prelude set 2 no 1. Did a lot of reading including Rowan Williams (who sadly is retiring) and Timothy 1. At vespers we sang Jerusalem the golden because the liturgy begins Laetare Jerusalem. The psalm at Mass definitely imitated the song "By the rivers of Babylon" in the psalm tone - Gelineau wrote a very fine setting with Eastern feel for that psalm and Walton set it in Belshazzar's Feast. Chatted to Rose who was in the programme a lot. Amici Choro directed by Andy Scott sang Palestrina, Batten and Morley well and saw Anne Fleming at the end. Diarmaid MacCulloch on TV history of England excellent.


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