Tuesday listened to evensong from King's and we both went to the lecture on Faith matters in the cathedral hall. 2 outstanding addresses on vocation by a head teacher and Fr Paul who is a Jesuit doctor. Much food for thought. Not as many there as last week. To Acton and saw the end of Gypsy wedding. To Chiswick Town hall with Ciarán who yelled " I want Mummy" all the way to the station in pouring rain! He did enjoy it especially the snakes and cars - Amanda's dancing and singing. To Starbucks Chiswick in the rain for lunch and he played with the toys. Liz took him to mass and I went to the Spirituality centre for Jill Benet's afternoon session on "Seeing God in all things". Then to 61 Whitehall for the Religion and society 3rd in series on radicalisation. 5 excellent speakers and some interesting questions on the research. Watched One born every minute and rest of Gypsy wedding - felt tired. Tits in the nesting box on our silver birch for the first time!