
To doctor - very nice lady with veil who checked my skin and said not to worry about large freckle on arm. Some twit in the waiting room was on his mobile and when asked to move outside said I had spoilt his day. The point which he did not get was that I had forgotten my hearing aids and might not have heard my name called. Acolyte at chapter Mass with the boys singing Britten Missa Brevis Duo seraphim and Panis - Guardian angels. Fr Pascal asked after Liz which was nice and Paul actually greeted me! To ENO for Martinu's Julietta. Good production, excellent orchestra under Gardner and fine tenor but the opera itself .... mmmmm....not that great, hard to keep awake! Success in booking Coloma plainchant choir for Catenian conference Mass - still cannot reach Fr Tom until next Tuesday. Designed poster for Sharing Eden.


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