Nigel Doughty

Swam 26. Did some reading and wrote first article for The Lion about Ingres painting of the month at National Gallery from their website. Also devised survey. Positive responses from Daniel and Faye. 2.15 requiem mass for Nigel Doughty businessman who supported Labour so Gordon Brown spoke (too long) Bishop John Arnold celebrated. Not impressed by soloist singing Schubert Ave Maria. I was cross and boat. To Tate Britain to see Turner Prize. Unimpressed - one artist expects you to sit for 93 minutes on benches watching his film, another has a triptych about Manchester Woolworths fire. Black and white large drawings and live art which looked like a mess? Earl grey and scones cheered me up in the Members room and had a look in the shop. Much is being changed. The rehang of the 20th century and the focus rooms work rather well especially the Victorian sentimentality in relation to the pre-Raphaelite exhibition. I feel an article coming on! Watched Come dine with me, Leeds piano Beethoven 5 played well by Australian, Songs of Praise from Brighton not good. Bruce popped in - he has a job in a bar as a supervisor.


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