Conversion of St Paul

Swam 24. Have not been all week but now snow has largely gone and the car was clear this morning. It was St Francis de Sales yesterday - I had not realised that he was in Calvin's Geneva. His gentle approach must have helped. Reading Helios on Judaism and Christianity. Damian responded well to my comments on the course and changes are likely which is encouraging. Liz still finds the authoritarian approach at the cathedral difficult. Everybody watching their back and checking with higher authority about the smallest things! How can change ever occur in such circumstances? Philip very funny about Catenians. Helios now showing 3 of my videos of ordination, first Mass and Kurisamala. Liz to West Wickham and got my watch fixed. Rat catchers came so set one up. Liz to marriage preparation course and I went to St Paul Rossmore Road NW1 where Michael Redman is curate for the patronal festival, procession and reception in the school. Cold. Wore my More than Gold jacket for the first time - it is long! Met Glynis Morgan who used to be in the chorus and had a lovely chat. Odd selection of music some accompanied on the organ others unaccompanied and while Graham celebrates well he does lose pitch! Richard preached well.


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