Stuart's ordination

Woke early. Felt like I was going to be sick - might be alcohol reacting with malaria tablet but in fact I was OK and had some fennel tea. Spoke to Lyn and Rosemary on Skype and they are not coming to dinner tomorrow because of the snow and ice. They fly to Sydney Feb 12th. To St George's cathedral for ordination of Stuart Meyer with Nicolas who is a married former Anglican priest from Winchester college. Archbishop Peter Smith was impressive. Less impressed at Norman's loud fast playing and the men rushing plainchant. Nick Gale conducting Haydn far too vigorously- result too loud! Benedictus really hald things up. Durufle motet and organ music and Villette motet less well done. Sunith was there and Stuart will be based in Anerley! Colin was there and a couple who used to come to St John's. Nice eats afterwards and spoke to Fr Philip Glanfield and Ann who used to be in interfaith group. Fr John as friendly as ever and got bus to cathedral with Canon Christopher. Fell asleep after tea reading John Hick. At Mass Paolo enrolled confirmation candidates including 6 servers. Home on train and buses - cold!


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