RSCM committee

Swam only 10 as I was late (High Street being dug up) and a lady asked me for advice about her bullying husband. He is disabled and she is also bringing up a 16 year old grandson. I said tell him, find something to do together and get respite care. Dave Cameron told me he had got the council and general manager to agree to no music at the pool. Excellent news! To mosaic (Linda in Amsterdam) so completed the Roman mosaic and worked on Seán's mosaic. Tai chi better attended - not sure when we move out for refurbishment of the centre as I will hold the keys for Tony. Home for an Indian meal and lemon meringue pie. To dentist - given a choice between £2000 for an implant or £204 for my front tooth I opted for the latter. Sent off the completed ordination article to Oremus, Music and Liturgy, PMM, British Jesuits, Jesuits and friends and Brixton parish. Xavier sending it to Kerala. To Peter Wright's for RSCM committee. The new director-general Andrew Reid came and asked a lot of questions after which we had a very short meeting!


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