
Showing posts from September, 2013

David Coffey

Brendan picked me up at 9.30 and Mike Nestor. We got to the church in Hartley in time for the funeral at 10.30. The church is thatched and small so there was a marquee with screens for us to follow. I had offered to play but the choir did well - some of the items were a bit naff especially Walk with me O my Lord at communion. Psalm and ordinary were all said - why when the choir coped well with hymns? Fr Saba did well and there was a moving amusing tribute to David from his daughter. John and Anne Rayer were present - about a 100 Catenians in all! We walked a mile to the cemetery and sang Praise my soul and Amazing grace there. Then same walk back to the car and to Hartley country club for a very nice lunch. Had a chat to Mrs Foley about the problems at Seale where the diocese is not supporting them in the plan to build a new church due to lack of finance! Home by 4 and watched Antiques roadshow and Story of the Jews. Brendan picked me up at 7.30 and to Beckenham meeting where John wa...

My birthday

Nice Leonidas chocs from Bruce! Lovely card from Liz. I have nearly finished reading my present FJ's autobiography and have ordered the new Hilary Mantel as my present from Louise. Swam 20 and one of the simmers is also going to South Africa, the other to San Francisco! Took car to do tyres and got petrol then found I did have my debit card so form filled in and paid it later in the day! Car valeted for £60 - 6 hours work. To mosaic and Liz's fruit cake much appreciated and they sang Happy Birthday! The flower ladies had some too. Made 3 small mosaics and grouted them in the evening. Tai chi and then to Balham to get wrapping paper and books on South Africa. Collected car and paid for valet service. Watched University challenge. Prepared photos for clock Louise gave us some time ago! Watched University challenge. Bruce and Dennis on Skype and Louise rang. Lots of Face book messages. Watched Father Brown episode.

St Michael and all angels

The Couperin went really well and I felt very confident having played movements in Cambridge. It really worked as an entity. It was the first time I had played it right through with the chants sung. I played the Kyrie movements before the service which overran by 20 minutes - we had 5 long hymns too! It was good of Stephen to bring communion to the organ - I played Benedictus during communion. There was a good spread for the bring and share lunch and Liz came to Kent House. Adrian conducted and we had a good choir of 10. The Vespers was lovely and the Bishop censed and blessed the organ and Pitoni's Cantate domino a perfect choice! Norman played brilliantly - lovely Faure, Finzi and Strauss. 2 fun items and the Bach Passacaglia. It was great to have the screen and watch him play. Lovely tea and cakes! To St John's for a splendid evensong Wood Coll Reg and Faire is the heaven requested by Fr John. Watched Antiques roadshow and Downton Abbey. 


We set off and parked as near to Norwood Junction as possible. Got train and waited at Liverpool street. Only £3.75 return slower but cheaper and bought in advance! Bus into town. Only 2 scholars appeared today. At Emmanuel (visited before) and then to Queens' where Nick Morris demonstrated the very loud Binns and I played Moore. 17 in the party including the talkative Michael Cooke! Michael Toplis tended to hog it a bit. To Trinity Hall (visited before) and you go up a back staircase in the next court to reach the loft! Lunch was hopeless and Liz brought my pizza to the next venue Christ's where the porter simply handed me a vestry key and gave no clues. Eventually I found the right door behind a curtain. This is a lovely mellow organ.Had I know Sidney Campbell was a fellow here I would have brought some of his music!  On to Peterhouse where I again played some Couperin. Barry Ferguson based organ pieces on the lovely stained glass here. Another fine instrument and then to St...


To Acton and babysat SeĂ¡n while they went to St Vincent's day mass and we met at Acton park cafe. CiarĂ¡n then went to a party and we looked after SeĂ¡n. I slept for a bit! To ENO for Fidelio. Musically brilliant with Stuart Skelton and Edward Gardner. Chorus were good. But the production! Why blinding lights, why moving sets during quartet, why dragging Florestan around when supposed to be lifting a stone to dig a grave, no digging at all! Cyanide but no champagne. Changing into evening dress while singing a difficult duet! A string quartet in cages???? No scenes of jubilation. Prisoners in business suits? Don Ferrando in 18th century rig out?? South Norwood police station has closed - a disgrace!

Australian art

Swam 20 - have not been in the water for over a week! To South London interfaith group lunch and 23 there - some useful information. Saw Jon Dal Din and Fr David Standley. To Royal Academy for Australia exhibition lovely aboriginal and modern stuff, also some fine landscapes. Is there anything left in Australian art galleries? To Meditatio and Graeme Watson spoke well on the Cloud of unknowing. Liz got her freedom pass back and went to college and then Acton. She ordered a new car key as hers is definitely lost. Friday to doctors surgery - first saw Joy and of course syringing did not work so Ojo did it - I was supposed to see him in the first place!

Robert Kennedy

Worked on photos and put all mine onto hard drive also tried to print out black and white portraits for the clock Louise gave us with little success - they come out too big! Watched Ian Hislop on Beeching and University challenge. Cut wood for 6 mosaics using fridge magnets. To Meditatio for Robert Kennedy on Zen Gifts. I met him and told him about the dissertation - I have read one of his books. The problem was his style involved inviting questions and people at the back of the room could not be heard nor could I hear his answers. He rambled on and I left at 9.15. 2 people there I know but can't remember their names. Home by 10.20. 

Marc Baumann

Different kind of recital at St Michael's West Croydon by Marc Baumann of Strasbourg cathedral. Was it a good idea to start with a theme and 7 variations by Schneider? Slightly confused me - we then had Vogt, Boely, Widor and Vierne. Met John Cooper. Have been busy transferring all photos to the hard drive.

Wedding music

I am reading Francis Jackson's 'Music for a long while@ and have found another reference to Dad. 'A wedding wouldn't be the same without Here comes the bride' said one. Herbert Woodhouse in 'The Star' Johannesburg quoted and seemed tacitly to concur with my somewhat dubious statement that to take the Mendelssohn from the stage and present a travesty of it at a church wedding was 'almost sinful'..... Erik Routley is quoted as saying most weddings were 'strictly idolatrous, sentimental and religiously depressing occasions'! Dad certainly played both wedding marches at weddings so he must have altered his view or accepted the inevitable!

Francis Jackson

Here is Francis Jackson's other reference to Dad (which would have pleased him immensely!) 'I flew to Burnie on the north coast of Tasmania for a recital in St George's Church; another in Launceston, plus a civic reception, and one more at Hobart. This was all overseen by Herbert Woodhouse, well-known as a York organist and now president of the organist fraternity in Tasmania.' It might have been better to write York-born as Dad was better known in South Africa and Australia and he was chair of RSCM in Tasmania and the President of the organists association. This visit was in 1978 but was often talked about in our family - FJ made a great impression! 

Karen Armstrong

Liz was out all day so wrote article about City Centre meeting and watched David Starkey's excellent series on Music and monarchy. To St Chad's to book Nov 24th mass and it appears school bazaar may be on that day as well. To UCL to return scores and had a look at the fantastic Islamic collection in the British Museum. To St Paul's cathedral for interesting talks on compassion by Karen Armstrong and Camilla founder of Kids. Looked at caravan of painted donkeys and met 3 people I know. Raheed rang. Mix up over Ocado delivery.


Liz went on bus to the cathedral as the trains were awry. Bill rehearsed for next Sunday and so did Fr Paul. We finished we 'O praise ye the Lord' and I played Karg-Elert. To South Norwood Children's centre in Cypress Road - amazed to find a London open day venue so close to home and a lovely playground and building. There was a match but I was able to get home and pick up the laptop and later Lousie sorted out the Microsoft word problem. To Sean's first birthday party and he loved the presents. Cara and Jack came and Pat and Mark dropped in. Wrote article on 'How green is the cathedral?' at last and watched Antiques roadshow, Educating Yorkshire and Downton Abbey is back! 

London Open Day

Left home later than expected as Liz had left her coat with her freedom pass at Doaui! To Royal College of Art Dyson building in Battersea where there were excellent design ideas. A warm welcome at the Ismaili centre in South Kensington and I met Leila and Iqbal. Lovely roof garden and beautifully built. Dutch embassy near the Albert hall - a modern interior with Dutch art in an old building with lovely views of the park. Had picnic in the park and then to Belgrave Square to see the Argentinian Ambassador's residence with a display of textiles and across the road the Romanian Cultural institute with Dinu Lipatti's grand piano. Finally to St Anne's Soho to see the Art loo and have tea and cake. Vespers and Mass with Fr Michael Durand. Watched Antiques roadshow and Bake off.

Basildon Park

Up for Lauds at 7 and Mass. More from Fr Alexander McCabe on propers and accompanying chant. Annual meeting and next year we are to be in France at Tamier in October! We went to Basildon Park -  a fine 18th century mansion with some 1950s furnishings and kitchen. Played the grand piano as i had some Ivor Novello with me. Cream tea and saw exhibition about filming Pride and Prejudice there. Nice gardens. Slow on M4 due to an accident so a long haul home. David and Helen dropped by. 

Doaui and Stonor

Drama when Liz heard Sr Jean calling out and she had pulled the emergency chord which only let off an alarm in the corridor. She had caught her arm between the bath and the disabled handle. Fire engine and ambulance came and 7 people emerged from her room while Martin Foster and I looked on. I went downstairs to let the emergency services in through the night door. Fortuanately the gates were open. Monks could not be raised but at 4 a.m. Jean did get taken to A and E by Br Finbarr. Tuesday was a full day starting with Lauds in St Mary’s church and sung Mass with John Rowntree on the organ. Martin Foster introduced us to English proper settings based on chant and after lunch workshop on Farrell and a Mass based on Shaker melodies by Wood. Dom Gervaise spoke on Latin? Rehearsed Latin vespers and the singing was much better tonight. Good food. Listened to more Radio 4 programmes on Shakespeare. I cannot get internet on the laptop. Wednesday 7 a.m. Lauds and then to Mass. After break...


Monday swam 20. Spoke to Ann and Paul in Cape Town – all well. General clear up and set off at 12.30 via Earls Court and M4 arriving early at Douai abbey – 57 miles from home. We have a nice double room with disabled ensuite. At first the window would not close but I sorted it. It felt cold. After tea and greeting folk we rehearsed. The Latin vespers should have been accompanied. The community here have a very sketchy idea of some of the chants! Fish soup/stew for dinner and Compline which was marginally better than Vespers. Good to see Martin Foster and he says he heard my questions on the Light music talk and the John Le Carre extended interview! Some leading lights like Philip Gaisford are missing this time so we are a smaller group.


Woke in the night going over recital music!. Liz was back serving on Sunday morning at the cathedral. I played Walton's Spitfire theme at service and the Couperin chant is coming along well. There was a meeting in church so to Kent House to meet Louise and Liz. Former had been on 10km Zoo run. Lunch and went through page turns and stop changes. There were 15 there including several organists and they enjoyed the programme. Once I calmed and settled I enjoyed it especially once the Wagner had been played. £80 for Tommys which is great. To evensong and there was a silver wedding party there being blessed and we had drinks in the hall - dinner in church later! Brewer in D. Richard Pilliner played Widor toccata. Home to watch Come dine with me, Antiques roadshow and Simon Schama on Jews. 


Liz went to Wimbledon and Poplar. I did 2 hours organ practice and saw Paul who showed me the draft booklets for Sept 29th. To vespers and mass and 2 new servers. Home to watch Come dine with me. Sorted out mosaic and put in 2 gold bits which were missing when grouted. 

Becoming a spiritual director course starts

Rain. Waited for bus with Alice. It was full when it came but a woman in a burka with a shopping trolley got in the exit doors to the annoyance of people who had been waiting longer. 2 came just before Liz came in the car to take me to St Matthew's. 13 on course. 5 of them men. 3 tutors and a good getting to know you exercise. To Post Office and 20 minutes wait. Home to listen to some Brittne with scores, watch Edinburgh festival review, film music Prom and Come dine with me. Grouted mosaics. 


Wednesday swam 20. To Balham library to return scores and pick up 2 more Britten scores. Posted invites to widows for clergy supper.  Met family at Watermans and Ciaran went to the later session. To Kew to shop. Ciaran went to swimming and Bruce arrived looking well. We had a lovely Thai curry and Beaujolais and seriously chocolate tart. Liz and Bruce came home and I stayed the night so I could babysit Sean while Louise took Ciaran for his first session at St Vincent's which went very well. To Heythrop for conference on ecumenism and interfaith and the Eastern churches - interesting. Donations to library and book returned to Michael, Good to see Rocco and Andrew and met some people. To meditiatio and sat in the garden and did crossword. Br Patrick Moore spoke on Rolle, Hilton and Julian - very good. 

Jain temple Potters Bar

Swam 20. Set off at 10 a.m. and arrived at Potters Bar at 11.20. 8 went in taxis and others came by car so 15 in all. 3 people spoke to use about Jainism including the priest. Lovely buildings and interesting. Taxi back to station and home by 3 p.m. To church and played whole recital through - just under an hour, also some Couperin. Liz to servers council meeting. I went to meeting about membership of the circle at Shirley Park golf club. We are making good progress! Did clergy supper invites and sorted emails. Watched University challenge and proms modern music. 


Lie-in. We both went to our first meeting at West London synagogue with Rabbi Herman. Canon Peter was there too and we discussed some meetings. There is to be a Kristallnacht 75th commemoration in the Abbey on Nov 10th. Liz went to Harrods and I went to Southwark cathedral to hear Peter wright play the newly restored organ after the water damage. Mendelssohn, Franck, Bach and Messiaen well played. I took scores back to Bromley and to Lakeland. Listened to some Proms and University challenges. Played through the Couperin and some Bach which David gave me. 

Hearing test

Friday took Liz to St John's for 9 a.m. in pouring rain for Walsingham pilgrimage until Sunday. Servers pilgrimage is tomorrow. To Streatham medical centre and saw very nice Indian audiologist. He said right ear is bad and worse so I am to have new Siemens aids on October 1st. Left is also poor. No wonder Liz has to repeat everything! To hall for 2.30 p.m. and got queue number ticket No. 11 for Last night at 4. To Royal Academy to revisit Richard Rodgers exhibition which is most interesting. On way back bought sandwich and tea at Pret - alas the tea leaked and the bottom of the paper bag collapsed - result tea all over bus floor! To Pre Prom Poetry competition results - most interesting. At the Prom we had Bach played by Klaus Sonnleitner who is organist at Linz where Bruckner played. His approach was more Baroque than Romantic. His encore was very quiet! Vienna Phil and Maazel played Bruckner 8 beautifully but somehow it was not as impressive as the 4th the other evening. Saturd...

Peter Grimes

Had a lie-in. To see Fr Paul to discuss Sept 29th. Treasurer has gone - hurrah! He was talking of doing away with the psalm which I think would be a pity. Any way I am appreciated. Had nice cakes with coffee. He was very relaxed in shorts. To Hackney picture house on overground to see 'Peter Grimes on Aldeburgh beach' and it was very well done. I got to the hall before Liz who had been packing for the weekend and baking cakes. Joseph Calleja gave us some Verdi arias with ringing tone and the Milan orchestra did well in Tchaikovsky Manfred. Came home and listened to Schubert pianos prom on radio. Printed off fliers for recitals. Met Linda who told me about the Met.

Some great Proms

Tuesday swam 20. To King's college hospital and X-ray and dentist advised a denture to fill gaps at top on both sides. Anythign else would be a waste of money! I was seen quickly. To talk on Bruckner - my question to the current organist of St Florian never got asked - do they have Bruckner's scores anf annotations to Bach and any comments on the the Albert Hall organ? Beethoven and Bruckner 4th well played by Petrenko and Oslo philharmonic. Lat night prom David Hill conducting Boy was born and George Lloyd requiem. To Acton and there by midnight. Wed had a lie-in. Ciaran's friend came to play and I took Sean to the park for a coffee. I also looked after him in the afternoon and he was good as gold! To swimming but the class was too big and Ciaran not happy although he is very confident in the water. To pre Prom meeting with Roger Wright, Petroc and Chris Cotton. I got to ask my question about better lighting in the gallery (agreed!) seating fixed down and asking people to...
Monday swam 20 and Liz came too. To tai chi and the Wandsworth folk were there to observe. I completed the 2 St John's mosaics - just need grouting. Liz went to the Prom and to babysit. To Catenian meeting and 3 visiting gentlemen which is great! A very pleasant evening and Gerrard had some good jokes. I promoted the Jimmy Mizen book - Barry sent me a very nice email. Tuesday swam 20. To King's hospital dental - dentist said a denture was the best option to fill gaps on both sides. Any thing else would be a waste of money! Seen quickly. Listened to Brahms quintet and some Dowland songs sung by Ian Bostridge. 

2 proms

Practised and timed recital pieces. First rehearsal of the Couperin chants. I played Willan on Aberyswyth and Ley on Down Ampney, Last hymn was "God be with you" to Randolph by Vaughan Williams - not played that before! After lunch to the hall with our blue folding back supports. Lots of teddies about for the Michael Rosen Bear Hunt prom - lovely to see so many Liverpool kids involved. Ciaran and Jonah really enjoyed it! The conga in the Prom was great and the illustrator Tony Ross was excellent - he signed Rosario's programme and she gave it to me! To talk on Britten. Second prom  Orchestre de Paris with Paavo Jarvi- Part, Britten violin concerto beautifully played by Janine Jansen, Berlioz Corsaire and Saint-Saens 3. Thierry Escaich was just too loud drowning the brass!.

Bridget's birthday

Had a lie-in. Did the ironing and sorted out the shed so the keyboard is now stored there. After lunch to the vicarage garden which is looking lovely. Bridget's 40th birthday so we had sandwiches and cakes and champagne. A lovely afternoon - very pleasant. We left to park at West Norwood but Liz had runny tummy so she came home. I served Mass with Fr Michael Quaquo and we had 4 servers, I decided not to go to the Prom but came home hitting football crowds. The film music was good if a bit samey in the second half. Also listened to Young Apollo (Britten), Berkeley serenade for strings and Britten simple symphony from the Proms with scores.