
Wednesday swam 20. To Balham library to return scores and pick up 2 more Britten scores. Posted invites to widows for clergy supper.  Met family at Watermans and Ciaran went to the later session. To Kew to shop. Ciaran went to swimming and Bruce arrived looking well. We had a lovely Thai curry and Beaujolais and seriously chocolate tart. Liz and Bruce came home and I stayed the night so I could babysit Sean while Louise took Ciaran for his first session at St Vincent's which went very well. To Heythrop for conference on ecumenism and interfaith and the Eastern churches - interesting. Donations to library and book returned to Michael, Good to see Rocco and Andrew and met some people. To meditiatio and sat in the garden and did crossword. Br Patrick Moore spoke on Rolle, Hilton and Julian - very good. 


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