The Premrajs

Swam 20 and Liz came too - not many there. Liz went to B and Q to get gardening stuff. To art and started painting the bottles picture and mixing acrylics using my new brushes. Drove to Streatham for interfaith lunch and met the Premraj family from Chennai. Prem told us about India and the recent elections. His son is an architect and he advised me about Chennai. I delivered the mock-ups of the recital programmes to church and found a wedding rehearsal in progress so begged the bride not to be late - an older couple who will marry in the Lady chapel which has some fine stained glass. Booked up tickets and we can visit Xavier in Kerala first and return on the Wednesday in good time for me to go to the St Matthew's course. To St John's for Ascension Day Mass. Mary was late - bit hard to tut tut while singing a hymn! Russell Watson from St Alban's preached but hard to hear him. We sang Darke in F and God is ascended up on high. Watched programme on Hanoverians.


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