
Showing posts from October, 2014

Evangelii gaudium

Did a lot of work on the family tree and added photos and lots of information and new connections. It seems Mary Ann Botterill was married twice - she certainly was a remarkable woman. Went to Addiscombe for second session with Canon Frank and John Stradling. It was stimulating. How can we make our parishes into joyful evangelising communities? Bishops have a difficult task and sometimes send the wrong priest to a parish in the sense of changing everything! We could use music more to attract and outreach. Lyn is in hospital so no lunch on Tuesday. 


Spent the whole of Thursday with a runny tummy. Did go to art but did not stay long and abandoned any ifea of going to interfaith lunch and ENO to see Girl of the Golden West. Liz went and enjoyed it. As it happens I was OK until bedtime! Watched The Apprentice, the rest of the WWI commemoration day services from Glasgow cathedral and the two programmes on immigrants with Nick and Margaret which were most interesting. I also did the programme for the day in Notting Hill visiting 4 organs on the 8th. Friday all seems OK but have stayed home and not gone to the cathedral for St John Southworth guild first dummy run! Nor did I go to Beckenham to hear Rosemary Field. Spoke to Bruce on Skype. Josie is fading fast which is so sad. Did two Tablet crosswords and have caught up with only one to read!

A successful adventure to York!

Sunday was welcomed back to St Michael's very warmly. I played the Willan and voluntaries on Carlisle and Cwn Rhondda. Sue has been playing the piano. A lady joined the choir! I ws asked to speak about my travels so I mentioned St Joseph's. Picked up Dennis and we proceeded to Acton where we had a delicious meal of pate and lamb. Lovely to see the family again after nearly 4 weeks. Monday Louise dropped us near Wood Lane and we got our train without a problem. CiarĂ¡n behaved impeccably. We walked to Jorvil which he thought very smelly but it has in fact been much improved although there were too many people in the exhibition area. The ride was good. Lots of people everywhere so a long wait for Carluccios table and the meal but it was OK. We arrived at the Minster at 3 and met Esther. She provided a children's trail and pack. While I handed over the King's Penny and she scanned a lot of my postcards and photos for the children's box. It was great to see the King...

Clergy supper

A quiet day and back to the pool to do 20. Liz slept late and I went over to St George's Beckenham to hear Marilyn Harper play Bach, Mango Frist (who is this?) and Rootham which I have heard before (Song of Victory). 40 there. Got calendar at Beckenham bookshop. The clergy supper went very well. Fr David cried off so Fr Joe  was the only Norwood clerical guest and he said Hello. Sr Sheila spoke really well and Hilary Fife enjoyed it. It was good the younger ones came and I made a point of meeting and greeting them all. The real star of the show was Fr Brian who spoke eloquently without notes. Raffle tickets ran out but more were made so that was solved and we got away about 11. A successful evening and the food was very good - delicious salmon and sticky toffee pudding. Saturday got up at noon! Reading Tablets and to Bloomsbury Baptist for Eleni's recital. She played BWV544, Mendelssohn, Saint-Saens and Greek pieces. I was shocked to be charged £4.70 to go on the tube...

More on New York organs

Woke early so looked up Dad's book (volume 1). It was 1962 when we went to the accountants congress in New York and played the final voluntary at St Bartholomew Park Avenue which has the largest organ in New York City. He played Thiman's Tuba Tune in E on 33 inches of wind pressure! It must have been a thrill as he often spoke of it. He did attend Mattins at St Thomas 5th Avenue and met Mr Self the organist. Tertius Noble went there from York Minster. He also went to evensong at the cathedral of St John the Divine where Alec Wyton presided so it was entirely right for me to play Wyton at St Thomas. I also played Healey Willan Fugal trilogy which Dad loved to play and Thalben-Ball and Andrew Moore. With Basil McEvilly he visited Boston, Niagara and Washington by greyhound bus and they survived on $5 a day! It was his last visit to see his mother in York. 


Woke late Ocado delivery. To art but Julie not there so started on a watercolour pencil of the fall basing it on photos. A quiet day clearing up and cleaning. Watched 3 Downton Abbey episodes.

Coming home

Our last day in Washington sunny and to Library of Congress. We tagged on a group going to overview the reading room and some woman said "I'm not sure that they are in the group" to which I retorted "Tough we want to see this and I am fed up of being told what not to do". All this security gets to you after a bit. The deocration is amazing and the Bibles impressive. Very good screen presentations and we saw Jefferson's library and Civil Rights Act and early Americas with amazing maps. Thought of Francis. Great to see Gershwin's piano, metronome and painting of Jerome Kern. Less impressed by the homage to Bob Hope. The Folger Shakespeare library was a disappointment - the first folio and a short video and heraldy and figurines - no theatre or garden so looks like you have to do the once a day tour! Sat in the park for a while and checked out 1.30 subway and 5A bus to Dulles airport which took an hour. We checked in as there was nothing to do in that part...

Library of congress

To the stunning library where we tagged onto a group to oversee the reading room. A woman said "I am not sure they are with this group" to which I retorted "Tough we want to see it and I am fed up of being told what to do". The endless security gets to you after a bit! Also I want to go home! Elisa would not agree to us leaving our bags in the apartment. We visited the Folger Shakespeare library and saw the First Folio but disappointed not to see more. The heraldry and figurines did not compensate and the short video told me nothing new. I must say the screens in the Library were brilliant and we saw displays on the Bibles, Civil Rights Act and early Americas and amazing maps.Got the subway and 5A bus to Dulles. No choice but to check in as nothing in first part of airport but now online and had hamburger and fries from 5 guys - very good! Arrived at airport 3 p.m. flight due 10 p.m. We are premium economy and may be upgraded as 12 overbooked.

Washington DC

After breakfast there was time to visit the Leo house chapel briefly before getting a taxi to Penn station. The train was very late and we left New York 45 minutes late. Jurowski got an excellent review in the New York Times. Researched Washington on the train which went through lovely countryside and down the coast. On arrival we had a pizza and got a taxi to the apartment which is well situated and on the fourth floor so lots of stairs. We got the subway to Rhode Island Ave where we boarded a shuttle bus to reach the stop for the National Basilica of the Immaculate conception. A huge and magnificent building. The singing at Mass was led by a woman cantor and a very loud organ.Boellmann Suite gothique at the end was rather hurried and on the choir organ which was a shame. Lovely bookshop downstairs where we bought books for confirmandi and servers. Had a wrap at Potbelly which caters for the Catholic university students and walked to see the floodlit Capitol. We are near to Capitol ...

St Thomas

A lovely sunny day with clear sky. We set off early to get the full island cruise 2 and a half hours. Great to see the Statue of Liberty and all the fine bridges from the water. Got a bus across midtown to the United Nations to photograph the flags. Had sald at Europa bar in 5th avenue (long wait for loo) and then to St Thomas church to play the fine Aeolian Skinner organ. Everybody was very friendly including Ben Sheen who had not been told by John Scott. Played Wyton, Willan, Moore, Bedard and Thalben-Ball including prelude on St Thomas. The general sequencer made it easy. To MOMA which has very fien impressionists and Picassos and lots of modern works. Cake and drinks were expensive but very good. Good exhibition of Toulouse-Lautrec not so impressed by Robert Gober. Walked to Bloomingdales and then had a fine dinner at East of Eight near Leo House. Swordfish and sundae, 

Carnegie Hall

To Carnegie Hall for London Philharmonic orchestra conducted by Jurowski who seems to be using smaller gestures! Rachmaninov beautifully played - the Rhapsody and an unknown encore. Shostakovich 8 - the sound was tremendous especially the brass and percussion - like a knife going through you. We moved to the end of the row - we were in the balcony so we could get away quickly. Cor anglais solo excellent and the violas - wow! Every sound is clear and precise. To Top of the Rock at Rockefeller centre and what a stunning view! Back by 12.30

Metropolitan museum

Rain but we walked across Central Park to the Met which is huge but we enjoyed the European paintings and the Impressionists and the musical instruments. Met 2 nice ladies in the cafe. Liz went to the Apple store and I visited the Whitney museum. Jeff Koons retrospective really kitsch and some pornography. Liked the Hopper paintings. It is a fine building. Ate at Dallas BBQ chicken - far too much and the iced drink gave me a headache!

The Met at last!

After breakfast straight to Empire State building. There is an interesting exhibition on the 80th floor and we had audio guides. From the 86th the views are stunning - it was  bit overcast but sun did come through. We had coffee at Europa bar where you choose your salad according to calories and they shred it! To American Museum of Natural history which has the most amazing dinosaur collection and early mammals and lovely birds and African animals in displays. Also looked at African peoples section - there was much more to see but we went over to Central park and had our salad and then walked to Columbus circle where we visited the museum of arts and design which had some lovely things. Back to Leo House to change and a quick bite at local bakery and to the Met. Raining but Lincoln centre looked wonderful. Macbeth was amazing with fabulous singing from Netrebko, Pape and Calleja. The chorus and orchestra were superb and the sound is very good. We sat in the balcony. Surprised that...

New York New York!

We got a taxi to Boston South station in good time. The Amtrak service got pretty full and took 4 hours along the coast with some fine views. I finished reading the book about Charterhouse monks. We got a taxi to Leo House. The debit card played up but messages came through from Barclays and the matter was resolved. The room is basic but clean – the bath is old but we are at the back and it is quiet so far. We unpacked and went to Port terminal to get our New York pass. This had hop on hop off tours for 4 days so we did the downtown one and got off at the Rockefeller centre where we had soup and wraps. The ice skating has started! We then got on the 8 p.m. night tour which took us over Manhattan bridge to Brooklyn. It was raining and windy! Tuesday Good breakfast at Leo House for $9. Bus tour uptown including Haarlem and then joined a second tour to Yankee stadium Bronx. Visited Riverside church which is huge and impressive. Considered buying a DVD of David Briggs playing th...


To St Cecilia's for Mass -  a huge full church. The welcomer gave us leaflets with music sheets but no attempt to find us a seat! The small choir were impressive but a bit counterproductive in that people did not sing much. The priest was very dramatic and seemed happy to change texts at will. Glasses for Precious Blood! We got directions to the organ gallery and saw the magnificent Casavant console. The closing voluntary was Bach Fantasia in G minor, The seafood and chocolat ebrownie and locald raft ale. setting was by Haas and anthem by Rutter. We went to coffee and doughnut downstairs but nobody mad enay attempt to speak to us apart from 2 small children and a visiting family! So much for preaching about welcome! We went on the trolley tour of the city and eventually got off at the Tea party ship where we reenacted the Boston tea party (or part of it!) It was well done. The day ended with a river cruise which was enjoyable as the weather was perfect. Ended the day with a lovely...

Boston, Bar Harbour

10.10 A glorious  day. Queued up to go through US immigration and then tender to shore. Joined the Acadia national park tour with a very good guide and the views from Mount Cadillac were superb. We also visited the wild flowers garden and nature centre and the Thunderhole. It was a lovely drive. Spoke to CiarĂ¡n and SeĂ¡n on Skype in a cafĂ©. Back to the ship for afternoon tea and started packing cases. Hot tub and swam in pool. To Mass and Tom was there and chat to Louise from Louisiana. Nice dinner in dining room with Americans and Australians. Adagio and piano bar and then show Dancing with the stars won by lady originally from South Korea. 11.10 Docked in Boston and eventually said a fond farewell to stateroom 391. We are booked on an Adriatic cruise next April with a veranda stateroom on the port side. Luggage taken ashore and got a to 46 Williams Street – a lovely room with bathroom. Joyce gave us more breakfast and we met Snowy. Set off to get a transport weekly pass and a...

Baddeck and Lunenburg

8.10 Wed. Our steward for breakfast in our stateroom was one of the singers last night. Sydney is a small place on Cape Breton Island so we opted for the drive to Baddeck and the fascinating Alexander Graham Bell museum. We had plenty of time to see all the videos and have a good look round. He had interests in the deaf, aviation, hydrofoils in addition to the telephone. Weather overcast.  Liz did the walk round the deck 12aps for cancer with me filming her on the phone. Not many doing it this time. Mass at 5. Adagio for a while and dinner at the Lido. The show was Andrew Derbyshire from Manchester. He is well trained and better when singing softly. Enjoyed piano man Tom and cocktails in the piano bar. Ship rolling a bit.  9.10 Halifax Nova Scotia. Robert was our tour guide, a retired history teacher and we had a glorious day. Mahone Bay a charming spot and the scarecrow festival was in full flood so that was fun. Lovely foliage and views. Lunenburg really is a lovely tow...


A day at sea. Clocks went forward an hour so did not wake until 8 a.m. so missed 7 a.m. morning stretch and Mass. Crepes and croissants for breakfast at the Lido. Watched the samba dance class – got there late as bought a windcheater on the sale. Digital workshop on email and security. Excellent lunch Mariners society with champagne chowder soup and sole. Met a couple from New Brunswick. Very sunny so sat on promenade deck outside our stateroom and finished Piers Dudgeon’s biography of Sir John Tavener – a very odd book which needed editing.  Walked twice round deck which is half a mile – Liz did a mile again. We ate in the Lido and enjoyed Mark Donoghue’s showtime on violin, guitar, mouth organ and piano. He is British married to a Canadian. Adagio played Mendelssohn violin concerto and other delights. 7/10 Charlottetown Prince  Edward Island A glorious sunny day. Coach tour through the city and on country roads to Green Gables the house on which Anne of Green Gables was...

Montreal and Quebec

Pavilion Jean XXIII is nice. Fr Corso rang at 9 and apologised and we arranged to meet at 8 a.m. Woke early and had breakfast of croissants. Fr Charles very nice indeed – he is from Chicago. He gave us a tour and 2 blessings and I think he liked us. The Beckerath organ is huge and it is a thrill to play. The Bedard and Moore went really well and the Willan and Wyton were fine. Some of the generals seemed not to work but I managed well. We did hear the Casavant briefly before Mass in the crypt. Fr Charles could not have been nicer! Got the car back in time despite heavy rain – we have been so lucky with the weather so far. Taxi to the ship and we were aboard and in our stateroom by midday. Had lunch downstairs and met couples from Chicago (earlier we had met another organist from there as we were leaving St Joseph!) The room is good and this time we are higher in the ship so we have the promenade deck outside our window. Mass at 5 was packed – ended up perched on a mobility vehicle! I...


We set off at around 10 a.m. for a long and confusing drive which didn't quite work out as expected. We went through an industrial area but then got on  a lovely drive through woodland and farmland which was very pleasing. Weather was lovely and glad I had my shorts on! Montebello has an info centre entirely in French but I did find an English booklet in the box outside the door! The shop next door had an area where could you watch the pralines being made and boards explaining the chocolate process. Behind the building was a nice picnic area. We saw the outside of the huge hotel and then went to Parc Omeha where you drive through and see wapiti, bison, moose, white-tailed deer, boar with piglets, bears with cubs, wolves, coyote closeup. The deer come up to get carrots. We had ice cream in the nice shop and cafe and then a long drive on motorways to get to Oratoire St Joseph in Montreal. Arrived about 6 and went for a meal. Fr Corso did not reply to messages and emails to him would...

The Laurentians

Today we met our host who had been in Montreal where she sells her designer clothes and returned at modnight.  She kindly sewed my torn pyjama jacket! She suggested a lovely drive via St Agathe and to Mont Tremblant with beautiful views lakes and autumn foliage against blue skies. At Mont Tremblant we took the free gondola to the cable car to the highest point in the range. There are 5 cable cars and skilifts to that point and we had a coffee and enjoyed the stunning panoramas. Very touristy but worth it. Then it was a long drive via Lake Superieur to Saint Donat and then back down to St Agathe and Val David. Not many places to stop and admire views and no tea places next to lakes! Had red wine and carrot cakes and pasta and local sausages for dinner. 

Val David

Slept well and had planned to leave early but had phone message that our home alarm had gone off. Turned it was when John shut the door after checking the post! Spent time getting routes and then to Biodome which is great. Lovely shots of otter beaver, penguins raccoons and sea birds all close. You move from tropical jungle to temperate zones. Had lunch there then drove to Val David via highway 15. Owner not here and it seems we have to get our own food so went and bought some! Lovely autumn foliage.


Monday packed cases and both had hair cut. Taxi to Thornton Heath and train to West Brompton and then 2 tubes to Heathrow 5. Stood most of the way on Piccadilly line. Ate at Giraffe. British Airways flight left a little late and we had got the 2 seats right at the back. The entertainment took ages to come on and then no identification of what we were watching nor was there any way to go to the start of a film. Watched Rev and Club 60 and slept a bit. After 6 and a half hours arrived. 3 a.m. British time but in fact we went back in time to 8 p.m. Montreal time. Taxi driver did not know where Rue DĂ©zĂ©ry was but I had maps. The fare was $50 and we went a long way round. Melanie very friendly – it is up 2 flights of stairs – high ceilings and big rooms and 2 balconies and 2 big cats. Slept a bit and had a small breakfast. Liked the coffee maker! Tuesday my 68 th birthday and nice cards walked to metro station (15 minutes) and got the hired car an automatic Ford Focus which I don’t li...