
A day at sea. Clocks went forward an hour so did not wake until 8 a.m. so missed 7 a.m. morning stretch and Mass. Crepes and croissants for breakfast at the Lido. Watched the samba dance class – got there late as bought a windcheater on the sale. Digital workshop on email and security. Excellent lunch Mariners society with champagne chowder soup and sole. Met a couple from New Brunswick. Very sunny so sat on promenade deck outside our stateroom and finished Piers Dudgeon’s biography of Sir John Tavener – a very odd book which needed editing.  Walked twice round deck which is half a mile – Liz did a mile again. We ate in the Lido and enjoyed Mark Donoghue’s showtime on violin, guitar, mouth organ and piano. He is British married to a Canadian. Adagio played Mendelssohn violin concerto and other delights.

7/10 Charlottetown Prince  Edward Island A glorious sunny day. Coach tour through the city and on country roads to Green Gables the house on which Anne of Green Gables was based. I think I may have read this when I was very young. An interesting display with old barn and lovely walk along Lover’s Lane. Then to the coast and lovely views of the beaches – the earth is red. The priest was on our tour. We walked around the town and visited St Dunstan’s basilica cathedral with a huge Casavant organ and proper choir stalls on the right hand side. The hymnbooks looked a bit dire! Fine modern stained glass of the 7 sacraments. The provincial house where the Confederation was discussed at the convention of 1864 and saw a film and the upstairs chambers. Visited the 1964 art gallery and an exhibition about centennial buildings including film of the Queen opening the building. 5 decades of Canadian art with some fine pictures. Sat in a small park and ambled back to the ship. Mass was at 5 Our Lady of the rosary – I started Immaculate Mary but the ladies pulled the pitch down – the chorus is different! Reading about the Carthusians. Jim McDonald the comedian was very funny. Beautiful sunset and full moon. Adagio played Albinoni, Pergolesi and Brahms.  Stayed up for the Indonesian show at 11 which was very well done.


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