A successful adventure to York!
Sunday was welcomed back to St Michael's very warmly. I played the Willan and voluntaries on Carlisle and Cwn Rhondda. Sue has been playing the piano. A lady joined the choir! I ws asked to speak about my travels so I mentioned St Joseph's. Picked up Dennis and we proceeded to Acton where we had a delicious meal of pate and lamb. Lovely to see the family again after nearly 4 weeks. Monday Louise dropped us near Wood Lane and we got our train without a problem. Ciarán behaved impeccably. We walked to Jorvil which he thought very smelly but it has in fact been much improved although there were too many people in the exhibition area. The ride was good. Lots of people everywhere so a long wait for Carluccios table and the meal but it was OK. We arrived at the Minster at 3 and met Esther. She provided a children's trail and pack. While I handed over the King's Penny and she scanned a lot of my postcards and photos for the children's box. It was great to see the King's Book beautifully displayed downstairs. I saw some things I had missed! We then walked to Cross Keys pub where we had delicious sea bass and ale and chocolate brownie. We stayed at Bowen House which is very comfortable and friendly and we all slept well. We had the top room which Ann and Paul had.
After a good breakfast we walked to 22 Park Grove and then to the Castle museum. The period rooms and street with shops are great and lovely old children's toys. The Sixties and the prison. Had tea and a bun before walking to the National Railway Museum. The great thrill here was the Mallard footplate and the bullet train. Ciaran loved the model railways. Had tea and then it was off to the station for the 5 p.m. train which was packed and noisy. Louise met us at Wood Lane and Ciaran finally got to bed around 8.30. Tom had not been well.
Wednesday was wet and had a quiet day. Liz went shopping and I tried for a new razor at Argos without success. Read Charlie and the chocolate factory and played track and playdough. We were given tickets for the LPO at RFH playing Rachmaninoff whcih was great. Saw 2 prommers and an organist. Siniasky conducted. Pno con 3 and Symphony no. 2. Lady taken ill in the choir during the concerto and a doctor helped her - she had recently had an operation.
After a good breakfast we walked to 22 Park Grove and then to the Castle museum. The period rooms and street with shops are great and lovely old children's toys. The Sixties and the prison. Had tea and a bun before walking to the National Railway Museum. The great thrill here was the Mallard footplate and the bullet train. Ciaran loved the model railways. Had tea and then it was off to the station for the 5 p.m. train which was packed and noisy. Louise met us at Wood Lane and Ciaran finally got to bed around 8.30. Tom had not been well.
Wednesday was wet and had a quiet day. Liz went shopping and I tried for a new razor at Argos without success. Read Charlie and the chocolate factory and played track and playdough. We were given tickets for the LPO at RFH playing Rachmaninoff whcih was great. Saw 2 prommers and an organist. Siniasky conducted. Pno con 3 and Symphony no. 2. Lady taken ill in the choir during the concerto and a doctor helped her - she had recently had an operation.