Portrait in acrylic

Portraits in acrylics with John O'Donnell at Bethlem museum of the mind. 2 hour session. That chatterbox was there again! The new exhibition is interesting and includes Nijinsky and Wain.
I did not go to organists AGM as I would have struggled to get to the cathedral in time. Watched Home is where the art is series. St Thomas-on-the-Bourne, Farnham choir sang beautifully at the cathedral. Palestrina, RVW and Ola Gjelo. Fr John gave an excellent homily and we had an appeal from Aid to the Church in need.Played Guest on St Fulbert, Michael Fleming on Noel nouvelet and Gordon Slater Easter Alleluya. We sang "Sing God's Easter people". Fr Jerry blessed the Risen Lord icon and he will be in St John Caterham until the end of the Easter season. Long chat to "Dan" the homeless man and was quite blunt with him about common sense decisions. I do not think he wants help. To St Paul's to hear Graham Tomlin Bishop of Kensington on freedom. Christians have the freedom to NOT do what they want to do! Our purpose is to love God and our neighbour. I was reminded on the saint who said "Love God and do what you like". I liked his story of the two sisters one diligent in practising music and the other not. How would a parent help the sister who did not want to practise? An enjoyable concert at St John's by the Central band of the Royal British legion In town tonight. Evensong and Benediction at St John's. Sumsion in G and Harris "Behold the tabernacle of God". I can just imagine Gerald Knight conducting that! Andrew Oliver played - good to see him! The Durrells and Victoria. 


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