
Showing posts from November, 2019


Builder came to give estimates. Liz to servers council AGM. I wrote minutes of art auction meeting and then changed them this evening after my visit to the auctioneer at Chiswick auctions. First Advent wreath candle lit and Fr Daniel celebrated. Trained 2 on thurible.

Red Wednesday

Swim. Played for funeral of John Soper at Caterham. Liz back from Acton and 2 funerals. Red Wednesday cathedral and foreign office red. Aid to the Church in need walk from Mandela statue, cathedral and Hall. Cardinal Vaughan choir sang well and some good soloists. Much impressed by Edwin Shuker VP board of deputies of British Jews. Networking and met the chair, John Pontifex and Caroline. Fell asleep in Apprentice but Thomas has gone at last!  To art. I spoke at SLIFG lunch and Catholic creators UK about the exhibition and there was lots of interest. Committee met. Wellcome interesting exhibition on play. James Gillick gave a very inspiring talk and Sarah Desbruslais played the flute beautifully. Lovely to meet Benjamin Morrell again! Friday sleepless night but all came well. An excellent planning meeting for the art exhibition and we now have an auctioneer. I came home quite exhausted. Choir practice went well. All my visiting this week paid off. 

Divine Beauty

Woke too early so went for a swim. Mosaic steady progress.Furious with Tom Allen on The Apprentice you're fired ( a programme I usually enjoy). Why the tired old joke about Lottie the librarian shushing people? Does he not know that the librarian has to be a person who can deal with people? It is NOT all about books. In 38 years as a public librarian I never told anyone to be quiet! It was all about working well with the public. email to BBC Points of view. Worked on Tablet article and Catena publicity. To Beckenham circle. Liz to Acton for funerals of Gillian and Michael's brother. Heating boiler serviced and drips from pipes above roof sorted! Henry came for 2 hours. Quiet time. I enjoyed the talk at Newman House and Sister Carolyn Morrison told the students about the January events. The subject was Reflections of Divine Beauty in Illuminated Medieval Manuscripts and Jasmine Jones spoke well. I was very intrigued by the carpet pages in the Lindisfarne Gospels which it seems ...

Christ the King

Christ the King and the 3 men sang Tony Hemson's Alpha and Omega really well. We missed Linda Baker. I played a lovely Prelude on Diademata by Barry Ferguson and Crown Imperial which was much appreciated. Julie came and the flute in the Rutter and Berlioz is magic! I played Howells Psalm prelude Set 1 no 3 as a tribute to Stephen when I was practising. So sad to learn that Colin Mawby had died. Enjoyed Michael Portillo great Australian rail journeys and David Attenborough on Europe's natural highlights. The programme on Fair Isle was excellent. Signed Christmas cards.


Ann led a lovely meditation on the Visitation at Hurtado centre and I went to St Patrick's art studios Wapping. Mike Quirke has donated a fine painting for the art auction. I love his work! The trains were replaced by buses so Citymapper suggested 468 to Denmark Hill and overground from there. Big match so missed Fr Stewart's farewell lunch. Drove to Kent House and missed train and next one cancelled so went to West Norwood. 5 admitted to Guild at Mass by Fr Daniel which was really nice. 

British Museum

A really good meeting at Farm Street about the exhibition. Tredici sang very well at St Giles in the Fields. Nelson Ferreira took me to British Museum Troy (poorly curated) and the Orient which was lovely. Some beautiful paintings by unknowns and a superb Roman fresco. Latte and delicious sfogliatelle in Russell Square. Feeling very happy I really enjoy our chats. Really enjoyed choir with Richard and extra singers joined us for the carol services.


To art and redid sections of my latest work. There was no way some of the people could have been standing in an inflatable dinghy. Mind body spirit started late but was good. Christmas letter and notes for tomorrow's meeting at Farm Street written. Programme on Sainsbury's was a delight with the visit of the Queen. Secret life of the zoo was great.

St Cecilia

A busy day! Festival of St Cecilia at the Abbey. Glorious new Chilcott anthem and Blessed city. Great hymns How shall I sing, O praise ye the Lord, Christ is made the sure foundation. Bruckner Christus factus est. Sitting in the nave we got a lot of organ but the violin solo was great - Jennifer Pike. Sermon from Bishop of London was a tad disappointing and who is Daniel Barenboom? It's Barenboom. Lunch at Methodist Central Hall with Barbara from mosaic and her Polish friends.Welsh Chapel Asher Oliver played Bruhns and Franck it was interesting to hear them again but on a very different organ. Splendid Bach. Queens gallery George IV excellent. 7 came to the group to hear Raya. Holy Trinity Sloane Square Samuel Ali Brahms and Bach very good. Tea at Peter Jones prior to the revolte tonight. UK premiere of Guillou's La Revolte des orgues at the drome. I liked the percussion and watching the conductor but more noise does not mean music. International players playing tiddly bits? U...


Woke in the night - my underpants were marked last night with discharge of some kind from the groin. Got to see Dr Ojo and he prescribed cream and antibiotics and I can put the cream on the top of my right ear too. Also got flu jab. I am to go for MRI scan of my spine for going to Dr Simon Shaw. Got presciptions then found out Henry was going to nursery to be photographed so Dennis dropped him off for 90 minutes, He played with the plastic train set and watched DVD. To quiet time and French lady with baby removed same during the silence, also the ordinand. Got boxer shorts from Sainsbury's. Watched debate Corbyn vs Johnson. Very good response from our Lib Dem candidate about Safe Passage. Interesting to see what Steve Reed says. Pleased Mike Quirke is donating a picture for the auction. Advent music done and Jerry followed my suggestions.  The carols poster had the wrong day for Christmas Eve! I did not go to meeting at St Paul's. Good programme on Kes and a new dance version....


Mosaic and Linda helped with the little houses. The flower ladies were very noisy! Asher Oliver played really well at Cornhill. Bruhns, Franck, Ives replaced Leighton, Alain, best of all Howells Ps Prelude set 1 no 3 and JSB 546. To Bush House The Arcade. Sara Shamma: modern slavery. The film is challenging. She says you need to engage with people to paint them. Somerset House rink up and running. The South African artist Shinabore somehow did not engage me. Met Michael on bus. The art of persuasion posters by Abram Games at National Army museum very interesting. I wonder why his work is not in a public collection? To cathedral for meditation remembering Eileen McDade. Frank Bond who always wore bow ties remembered at joint Bromley and Blackheath and Chislehurst Catenian meeting


We sang "Never weatherbeaten sail" by Thomas Campion. "Old age deafs not their our ears." Played Nimrod, Adagio from Elgar cello concerto and Peter Hurford on Song 34. The copy was bought by Dad in 1959 and he gave it to me March 1972.At evensong we sang Murrill in E and God be in my head by Philip Wilby. The chant by Sanders for the psalm lay very high and was quite exhausting to sing! Adrian conducted and Richard played. Lovely evensong from  Exeter today. Winter coat on as it was chilly. We had steak for lunch. Programme on the Met.


To St George Beckenham for Charlie Warren. He stepped in at 3 days notice. He is RC and was scholar at Merton so knows Ben and Michael Nicholas. He sang at the oratory. John Webber and Adrian were there. His Franck 2 was not terrifying as Gillian Weir required! Left car at Kent house and took 4 pictures to be framed. £170. Francis Crick institute is most impressive and has an interesting free display. The Buddhism exhibition at British library is excellent. Tea and then Mass with Fr John. Quite a few not there including the 2 who were to be acolytes! Liz did not get on my train so waited at Kent House for her. Finished Anthony Doerr's All the light we cannot see which is riveting. Callum played Leighton. Victoria choir under strength. Interview with Prince Andrew. 

Liz's birthday

Up at 7 having woken several times as the bathroom light was on. Henry slept right through. He wanted Daddy and Paw patrol again! Got him dressed and we took him to nursery. Breakfast when we got back via Gloucester Rd. To Mass at Anerley. To Vaughan House but first Marks for lemon drizzle cake, Smiths for 90th birthday card for Ivor and they did not have candles so to Paperchase to get birthday cake candles. Meeting at 11 - Catharine from ACN did not come and Louise had to go to work. Alison Smith was a real asset and it was a good session. To Il Posto for Liz's birthday lunch with Roger - it was most enjoyable. Had raviolini. Liz went to Acton for school bingo and I came home. Did some work on the auction emails, cleared up the back bedroom. Listened to MacMillan while reading. Heard some of Stephen Cleobury's final concert from King's RVW Serenade to music, Howells Coll reg Magnificat and Elgar Give unto the Lord with orchestra. Howells cello concerto. 


Woke late after a long dream about a lost library book which was issued to me but I had never seen! Liz had her hair cut at home. Finished art auction letters and poster looks great thanks to David. Excellent supervision for SDs meeting in Vauxhall. To Royal Academy to see Lucian Freud self-portraits. Met Martin Foster. To The Black Penny for tea. Part of Simon Gledhill's light music organ programme at Freemasons hall. Who knew Haydn Wood was a Yorkshireman? The Suppe and Elgar worked well and it was fun to have some cinema music from Bobby Pagan, Felton Rapley and Harold Ramsay and a piece from Wally Stott. A good large audience too! Tubes and train to Beckenham Junction and bus. Dulwich circle went well. John Almeida took me to Penge and Liz picked me up. Watched The Apprentice. Thursday Mass at Thornton Heath. Seems Fr Len is leaving. Art and Mind, body, spirit. Watched Botticelli programme, George Eliot and reliquaries. Is there a Hindu caste system in UK? Answer seems to be ...


Mass at Anerley was for Fr Tom. Saw John Bradley afterwards - Fr Sean knew Gerard since they were 11 at John Fisher school! Henry came and painted, track and reading. His cast is off and he has grown 6 cm in 2 months! To quiet time. Liz to servers council. Watched Bendor on Gainsborough and Breughel. 


Steve played the trumpet really well at Remembrance service. We sang Pie Jesu and I played Solemn melody. Brilliant sermon from Anne-Marie Garton could not agree more that we must combat forces which are attacking the basic values of our society. Sad to learn of the passing of Fr Tom Creagh-Fuller, Des Caroll and Gillian McLaughlan. A lovely evensong using Anglican chants and Peter Nardone's A new commandment. To Christ's chapel Dulwich and a good audience for Alana Brook from Adelaide who is now organ scholar at Lincoln. A piece by Australian Graeme Koehne To his servant Bach God grants a finalgift: the morning star. It was all very competent. Monday Mosaic steady slow progress! Eric Chan who won the Harold Darke RCM prize played beautifully at St Michael Cornhill Darke, Bach Schmucke dich, Franck no. 1 and the unknown Bunk Passacaglia. Highly praised by many of the audience. He recalled that I had been to RCM to hear him play! To see Clare and a very helpful chat abou...

Croydon organs

What a pleasure to visit Croydon minster. A new Advent piece by Martin How! I played Howells Sine nomine. Lunch at Coffee Time. Andrew Scott gave us a great welcome and St Michael's organ is a joy. Played Elgar cello concerto Adagio. He played Oldroyd and it's great to hear of Harrisons work internationally and in so many cathedrals. York Minster is going to sound fabulous! Amdy said Cameron Carpenter is an arsehole. He would only talk to him through his agent! Fairfield Hall organ is playable but still needs an overhaul. Watched the Royal British legion festival of remembrance. Some great moments especially the descants BUT why Morning has broken ( and sung by a soloist) Bridge over troubled water and the words of the song I am not your son could be seen as objectionable. Are we afraid to mention God? Good to see Jewish and Sikh army chaplains taking part. So a bit of a curate's egg. An abiding memory of the fall of the Berlin wall was the joy of Horst Neumann our East Ge...


Lovely Requiem Mass for deceased priests. The choir sang Brahms and Byrd. Nice chat to David. Delicious lamb at Acton and watched Prince Charles. CiarĂ¡n's year 5 assembly about remembrance was very moving. Well done all! Pity it was so difficult to hear some of the children. Nelson varnished all the oil paintings and icons and they look stunning. Lovely lunch and we both enjoyed Rembrandt at Dulwich gallery and tea! Liz went to see Gillian in Acton. To choir practice and Liz was unimpressed not to be doing the solo in Darke in F. 3 tenors. 

Matthew Bourne

The spirituality day on Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit - confused? went well. Mass at 1.05 with Fr Daniel. Liz served at the 3 p.m. police requiem mass. Watched Apprentice and programme  on Bodleian Botoni painting. woke at 9! Got out all my paintings for touches before varnishing tomorrow. To West Norwood picturehouse to see Matthew Bourne's Romeo and Juliet. He has interpreted the violence and tenderness of the Prokofiev brilliantly. The passion and grief were deeply moving. Home to look at water leaking I think from bathroom drainpipe into kitchen extension. 


Played for Philip Chandler's funeral at the lovely church of All Saints Oxted and a very nice reception at Shirley Park golf club. Good to see old friends again. To West Norwood picturehouse to see live from ROH 3 super ballets Concerto, Enigma variations and Raymonda Act III. Wonderful dancing and so moving. My twitter comment appeared on the screen!


Mosaic, Benjamin Newlove played a great piece by Leighton as well as Bach and Vierne at St Michael Cornhill. Liz served at the funeral of Archbishop Michael Bowen. Preparations for the spirituality day on Wednesday and article written about the art auction. Dennis took me to Catenians and we unanimously agreed to close the circle in March. 

3 services

Drove to Caterham. Saw several vintage cars this morning presumably trying to get to Brighton. All Saints Howells Sine nomine and Francis Jackson. We sang I sing a song of the saints of God. Carols practice and practice with trumpeter. Lunch at the Kerala lamb biryani, Ferrero Rocher icecream, mango juice. £17.  All Souls 4 p.m. Vierne Epitaphe and Berceuse. Purcell When I am laid in earth. Now playing for Mass at Sacred Heart. The electronic is temperamental about starting very odd. All went well and Fr Sean and everyone very friendly. Watched programme on Morris dancing. Simon Reeve in Mexico and Texas. 

All Souls

Latin Requiem Mass for All Souls at cathedral. Liz sang Faure at St John's. Lunch at cathedral cafe. To Estorick to see reconstructed Boccioni sculptures. Football crowds. Royal Academy very crowded Antony Gormley. Missed out 2 rooms but I doubt if I will go back. Did some work on the spirituality day at Pret. Fr Daniel celebrated Mass for All Souls and the end of the marriage preparation course. At the party afterwards we met the Beaumonts who lived next to Josie McCulloch! They moved to Leamington Spa and had 6 kids. Their daughter is gettng married in Warwick.