
Steve played the trumpet really well at Remembrance service. We sang Pie Jesu and I played Solemn melody. Brilliant sermon from Anne-Marie Garton could not agree more that we must combat forces which are attacking the basic values of our society. Sad to learn of the passing of Fr Tom Creagh-Fuller, Des Caroll and Gillian McLaughlan. A lovely evensong using Anglican chants and Peter Nardone's A new commandment. To Christ's chapel Dulwich and a good audience for Alana Brook from Adelaide who is now organ scholar at Lincoln. A piece by Australian Graeme Koehne To his servant Bach God grants a finalgift: the morning star. It was all very competent.
Monday Mosaic steady slow progress! Eric Chan who won the Harold Darke RCM prize played beautifully at St Michael Cornhill Darke, Bach Schmucke dich, Franck no. 1 and the unknown Bunk Passacaglia. Highly praised by many of the audience. He recalled that I had been to RCM to hear him play! To see Clare and a very helpful chat about 6 bereavements in a month! Liz to maths. 


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