Divine Beauty

Woke too early so went for a swim. Mosaic steady progress.Furious with Tom Allen on The Apprentice you're fired ( a programme I usually enjoy). Why the tired old joke about Lottie the librarian shushing people? Does he not know that the librarian has to be a person who can deal with people? It is NOT all about books. In 38 years as a public librarian I never told anyone to be quiet! It was all about working well with the public. email to BBC Points of view. Worked on Tablet article and Catena publicity. To Beckenham circle. Liz to Acton for funerals of Gillian and Michael's brother. Heating boiler serviced and drips from pipes above roof sorted! Henry came for 2 hours. Quiet time. I enjoyed the talk at Newman House and Sister Carolyn Morrison told the students about the January events. The subject was Reflections of Divine Beauty in Illuminated Medieval Manuscripts and Jasmine Jones spoke well. I was very intrigued by the carpet pages in the Lindisfarne Gospels which it seems were used for meditation and proclamation! The Books of Hours were originally for the wealthy but now all can access them but we have lost things like devotions to Mary. Mediaevals really knew the Bible and the allusions, modern man so often does not. Watched Only connect. 


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