
Woke late after a long dream about a lost library book which was issued to me but I had never seen! Liz had her hair cut at home. Finished art auction letters and poster looks great thanks to David. Excellent supervision for SDs meeting in Vauxhall. To Royal Academy to see Lucian Freud self-portraits. Met Martin Foster. To The Black Penny for tea. Part of Simon Gledhill's light music organ programme at Freemasons hall. Who knew Haydn Wood was a Yorkshireman? The Suppe and Elgar worked well and it was fun to have some cinema music from Bobby Pagan, Felton Rapley and Harold Ramsay and a piece from Wally Stott. A good large audience too! Tubes and train to Beckenham Junction and bus. Dulwich circle went well. John Almeida took me to Penge and Liz picked me up. Watched The Apprentice.
Thursday Mass at Thornton Heath. Seems Fr Len is leaving. Art and Mind, body, spirit. Watched Botticelli programme, George Eliot and reliquaries. Is there a Hindu caste system in UK? Answer seems to be Yes. Seven worlds one planet Asia and South America. Henry played and ate his dinner. Eventually dropped off. Dennis and Ann-marie went for a curry! 


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