Ash Wednesday

 St Martin's, Blackfriars, Belmont abbey excellent talks from Dom Brendan and Bishop Mark. Sung Mass with the abbot. Meditatio. Excellent third talk by Nick King SJ on fellowship Sion centre and more work on St Paul's. Bidding room apart of evensong from St John's Cambridge. We used the simple rite provided by Cardinal Vincent Nicholls on Bishops conference website with the addition of the opening prayer from the Missal and the prayer for blessing the ashes. He asked for prayers from the heart and we both found it very emotional! As Dom Brendan at Belmont said we have been in Lent since March 2020 with the loss of so much. Let us pray for an end to the pandemic and comfort for all who have suffered so much. Vespers from Belmont. SMITF Bread for the world and first session with Michael Moran. It was a bit slow but everybody got to speak. 197 taking part. Celebrity home cook won by Ed Balls. Belmont Abbey on retreat programme. Come dine with me. 

Thursday SMITF for a bit, Blackfriars, Daniel French on Deuteronomy. Lovely chat to Clare. Mgr Mark's funeral was lovely and Fr Ambrose gave a brilliant homily (30 minutes) Bishop John and Cardinal Vincent. Nimrod at the end. Very moving. Churches trust on bishops' palaces. Organists committee. Exercises. The first Global healing session was great. 426 there. Bishop John and Carmody Grey were passionate and inspiring. A great start. Archbishop John Wilson and Chris Chapman Southwark Lent retreat excellent. Liz went for a walk! Edie with Sheila Hancock very good. 


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