Passion Sunday

 PLayed Bach O man thy grievous sin bemoan and Brahms Herzliebster Jesu and we sang Ah holy Jesus. So good to see and hear Peregrine again and short practice after service. My small white heater no longer works no doubt blown at Caterham school concert? Everything had been moved. Songs of Praise from Hereford with Piers Maxim talking about Elgar. Boat race was great women Cambridge men Oxford! Missed Death cafe, Beef and profiteroles for lunch. Lovely service at St John's. Lotti, Crux fidelis, John Scott, Chilcott, Brahms. Piano a passion on TV and colourful amusing Much ado from RSC. 

Monday swam 20. Liz to gym. Louise arrived. Such a long time since we had seen her! To janitorial supplies. Repair shop. Sean playing with 3 tracks - quite like old times! Mastermind, University challenge. 

Tuesday SM, S and B. Bit more of Mary Whitehouse programme. Belmont Abbey in Rome churches and a priviledged look behind the scenes in the Vatican. Trastevere and San Giorgio. Strikes me how many Roman churches I have not visited! King's chaplaincy zoom. Gresham lecture the Mayor of the City of London on impact investment. Root and Branch DIY on small groups turned into discussion of Breaking bread.

Wed Took boys to Crystal Palace then to Men in Sheds Penge with paint pots and 2 clocks for repair. SM and S. Rest of Mary Whitehouse programme - she was right! The internet has now swept all aside. Women and children are vulnerable. Watched programme about 2 Lesbian Baptists getting married. Saw Philip Luke at the organ. To St Mark Woodcote for guitar recital by Daniel Bronziet which was lovely. Sion James Allison on St John Passion. Lots of rain. B. Saving Grace video for Friday's group. SMITF Lent group - I spoke about oppression in the Church. 

Thursday took boys to CP. S and B. Art and nearly finished Ukranian painting. Churches conservation trust lecture on Henry VIII's divorce. Gresham on villains in fiction. Excellent Heythrop lecture by Paul McCartlan on ecumenism. You cannot ringfence love. Love is the centre. Gordon Ramsay being brutal.

Friday boys last day at CP. Swam but it was busy. S, SM and B. Lent group just 3 of us. To doctor for blood test and bp is low. Chat to Louise about our wishes. Short Tea with Smitf folk. Gresham on David against Goliath court cases. To Caterham for choir practice 3 came although Burdette is only singing on Sunday. We went through the music but when it came to Easter Vigil Peregrine said he could not cope with the early start so it is down to Ben whether we will sing any psalms! Watched pilgrimage about St Columba. 


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