St Mark

 Swam 20. SM, B and S. Liz to gym. Took baskets and plant holders up to Dennis and emptied them in the skip. Liz took the car for a much needed clean. Watched Wales forgotten places, Bidding room. Liz didn't go to UCM again. To All Saints on the bus for institution of Fr Antonio who turns out to be the editor of the Spidir newsletter and on the course! Martin sang beforehand but people were not listening. The organ was well played but it is not an impressive instrument (it used to belong to Carlo Curley!). The bishop who is honorary and retired did well, The archdeacon did not stand near enough to the mike! I went to the reception in the school hall and met the chair of governors who told me the number of children in the Borough is dropping and that refugee children were in the school from Queen's hotel. I met Christine and other Spidir folk! Glad I went. Fr Clark was there - I wonder what he made of a gay vicar with a partner sitting next to him! 

Tuesday SM, B and S. Wrote draft letter in response to the Southwark synod report. Essex folk agreed that interfaith dialogue is well down the agenda. Quiet time at 2. I think I will go to SJ next week as the sound is not good on the zoom. Bidding room and Bake off. Fascinating Gresham lecture on supply chains by Jacqueline McGlade. Bakeoff.

Wed SM, B and S. Watched some of the hustings recording. Sound was not good. Liz went to gym. To Kent House and arrived at National Gallery by 1.15 despite the traffic. The Raphael exhibtion was upstairs which was so much better. There were quite a few people but it wasn't really such a problem. Very good guide. Had to stand to watch a short film! Saw The Blue Boy on loan from Washington - lovely. Bought postcards book to get St Cecilia picture. Bus back to cathedral. Saw Mikey and Brian and Philip. Got Liz's robes and was home soon after 4. Clare was here. Cooked HelloFresh sticky Bulgogi pork noodles -delicious. 8 at the animators meeting. Karen talked too much! Home transformation programme. 

Thursday SM, B and S. Nice chat to Ann much excitement that Louise is going to the wedding! Liz to Pilates. Cheltenham prayer. Churches trust on dissolution church and what survived. I watched Sewing Bee. Liz went to go to try golf but returned as right wing mirror was bashed. Nobody's fault. Watched BBC Hindu grief counsellor and contacted her. She is keen to be involved in Lifting the Lid. Faith for the climate very good session on insulation and church of England heating etc. Gallery prommers very unhappy. Art that made us and put Platinum anthem copies together. I cooked. Lucy Worsley at Notre Dame. 

Friday did not go swimming because of car mirror which I stuck with tape and we went to the repair centre who said go to Honda direct. I ordered the mirror and light cover and phoen back Wednesday. Clare came and worked on her blue badge application. S, SM and B. I did not do any painting as planned! Walked to post box to post vote. Watched an amazing play Rockets and blue lights on racism, slavery and Turner NT at home. The Tablet published my letter about intercommunion, women leaving the church and Catholics becoming Anglicans - lots of good responses!! Feeling pleased! 

Saturday SM Richard in Jerusalem! SM and S. Sunny but cool. Gresham Prof Ryrie on the beginnings of Protestantism in Asia. To All Hallows by the tower for Guild of Musicians and Singers. David Cook played well. Interesting talk by Barry Rose. I reminded him that he once played the Dubois Toccata at Sandown Park racecourse Christian resources exhibition and said he played because he did not have to use feet much! Nice chat to Mrs Rose. Lynette Soper, Anne Fleming, Michael Walsh who is keen on my talk and article about the Chorus. A group of Ukranian refugees sang their national anthem for us and an organ improvisation on it was an added bonus. Stumbled on moving film about French priest abusing boys By the Grace of God on BBC.



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