Platinum jubilee

 Friday another fine day. B, SM and S. Splendid service from St Paul's. Fine anthem by Judith Weir. Well played Martin Ford! The descants and brass were stunning. Bojo got booed. Harry and Meghan were there. Yannick Nzeget-Sequin conducting Brahms 3 and a new work in Hamburg. Had a look at a bit of Budapest Parsifal.

The Tablet recommended BBC Two daughters and it is a very moving programme. Sue Perkins Who do you think you are and The Repair shop.

Saturday SM in St James park, S and B. One line on test second one fainter. Liz went to Emma and Robin's St John's recital. I watched the rest of Love from NT home and the three absorbing parts of Death of England. The language is terrible but a forensic look at racist attitudes. Watched the Derby. Tablet online has an analysis of the John Fisher school debacle. Fr Clark did resign as chaplain.

Pentecost. Liz singing at St John's. A quiet morning. Blackfriars and a great homily. Sam Wells spoke well at St Martin's and I was glad was a treat. At St John's Thomas Hewitt-Jones In our service sounded splendid and Bridget West played Litanies by Jehan Alain. The platinum pageant was terrific! Liz sang at evensong. Caught up on the programmes about the Queen some of which were repeats eg Britannia, When I met the Queen. Songs of Praise from Greenwich and Eton. Some of the commentary was just dull! 

Monday Beautiful singing from St George's Windsor on radio 4. The Wesley Thou wilt keep him was sublime. SM, S and B. New Elizabethans with Andrew Marr another repeat. Both negative. Gresham lecture on globalisation. Paul Carr playing Walton and it was played at Southwark cathedral at the end of evensong yesterday - splendid! Behind the scenes at Hampton Court palace. Bake off, Come dine with me, Drawers off! 

Tuesday woke late. S and B. To garden centre to collect Liz's basket and lots of plants. To quiet time and an interesting discussion about confession. Come dine with me, Drawers off. Bidding room. 

Wednesday SM, S and B. Doctor Grey rang from Auckland surgery about repeat prescriptions - very impressed! More bidding room. Funeral at Caterham - 98 year old former head of Croydon High school. I was asked to play Handel's "Lascia" at the funeral today. I found it a Golden Hours album and the text is about weeping. Simple and touching.. Liz started planting front garden. Gresham Prof Ryrie on Protestant missions. Repair shop new series, Sewing bee, Bidding room.

Thursday SM, S and B. To art and took down the paintings for church. Faiths for climate zoom about October week of action globally. Churches trust (George's last) on cathedrals. Lively animators zoom. Lecture from Oxford by Michael Whelan rather dry.

Friday SM, S and B. To UNACC for exercises. CAFOD 60th anniversary Mass from St George's cathedral. Bishop Stephen Wright from Birmingham did not impress. Gospel choir unsuitable music at communion. Annoying video cameraman wandering around the church! Bruce Kent died - a great loss. Programme for summer fair done and minutes done. More Bidding room and Repair shop.

Saturday SM from Galilee, B. To cathedral for diaconal ordination of 5 including Francis Thomas. Bishop Paul. Lovely service if rather long! Man behind me was most annoying as I was sitting. Nice to see people again including Fr Dominic and Francis Clark. Had a rest in the afternoon. To St Matthew's for Mass. Fr Julian is only there until the end of the summer. Watched film Ammonite.

Trinity Sunday. Played Willan on Nicaea, JSB Kyrie Gott in ewigkeit, Wyton March on St Patrick's Breastplate. Our new soprano has Covid. Sarah is coming back. Put the art group pictures up - they look great. World mixed triathlon from Leeds. I dropped off! RSCM Music Sunday evensong from St Gabriel Pimlico - special choir of young singers. Thomas's anthem which we sang today came over well. An excellent TV play Isla. I looked up Mary Anning and Ammonite is fictional.


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