15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

To Coulsdon where we sang Nicholson in C, chanted psalm "Thy word is a lantern" and "Fairest Lord Jesus". I played the Widor Toccata reasonably well and practised.
To Cumnor House sports ground for Kevin's President's Sunday. It stayed dry and there were around 30 there including kids. No new recruits alas! Lovely BBQ and food and enjoyed chatting. To evensong for 4 pm rehearsal and David Steer came. Murrill in E went well, Psalm 96 to Gerald Knight's fine chant, With a voice of singing Martin Shaw. I played Martin How's Elegy in memory of Gerald Knight who was born 100 years ago this year. I knew him when I was 12 - rather an austere figure. Mum said he could stay in Hobart if he behaved himself and he was good as gold. There had been clashes with Dad in the past and Dad never got the recognition from RSCM which he should have had. I played Finlandia - it was Liz's Dad's favourite and it is his anniversary (10 years). Watched a hilarious programme on hiring housekeepers - the employers were so funny. I have joined the Herbert Murrill appreciation society on Facebook!


Edbowie said…
Murrill in E is lovely. Joyful, exuberant without being overbearing. I wonder if the Knight chant is the same one that King's recorded for Psalm 115? If so, a lovely lyrical song like chant rather of the same mold as the Ivor Atkins chant that I like so much.
I don;t know the King's recording I think. This Knight chant goes to top E at the end of the second part. It's lovely. Martin How based his tribute piece on "Now the God of peace" by GHK which quotes his chant in A major.

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