Elijah and a cyst

Thursday our wonderful library system came up trumps yet again! When we visited Vancouver, John Fulton's wife Yolande told us about the Everard family of artists in the Eastern Transvaal and the book about them called "The Women of Bonnefoi". I duly looked this book up on Amazon (no copies available) and found it was published in South Africa in 1970 and Frieda Harmsen wrote it. On "What's in London libraries" I found the sole copy at Westminster Reference library. I rang them and the assistant duly rang back to say she would keep it for a week. So I went to St Martin's Street behind the National Gallery and read parts of it. Pity the illustrations were so poor as they were clearly a talented bunch!
To Elijah rehearsal with Owain Arwel Hughes who seemed very happy. Much of Edward Caswell's legato style went out of the window as expected. Liz had to leave early to go to Homerton hospital as Bruce went in to have a cyst removed from his behind. Gill said Daniel had this done and it is very painful. By the evening he was on the phone saying all had been done. The latest is that he has to go back every day for 6 weeks to have it dressed.


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