
Friday woke late so no swim again! Work experience student came for interview - he uses our library and put us as first choice! The other young man is apparently not coming after all. Two very unruly teenage girls came in around 4 p.m. and we ended up calling the police. One told me my job was boring - what I should have said was that life is never boring with people like her coming in showing no respect for anyone! On the bus the other day large man sat next to me taking up as much room as possible and then switched his radio on. I said "What makes you think we want to listen to your radio? Please switch it off" which he did remarking that it was ClassicFM. So what I thought! Liz thought I was mad in view of all the knives about these days. I just wanted to read "The Tablet" in peace - I now have 4 to get through and there's a lot to enjoy in them not least items on future Archbishops of Westminster.
To Mass at the cathedral and the full choir were on great form singing Britten's Jubilate in E flat. To the music department party at 6.45 p.m. on the terrace - at last I get to see it, Liz having been to catechists parties up there. Lovely views and flowers. Lots of nice eats and Pimms all arranged by Aoile who works so hard! Chatted to various clergy, lay clerks and Marion Aitkins. Andrew and Deidre gave us a lift home - we were getting cold by then 10 p.m.
Saturday had a lie-in despite waking early and a badedas bath as my back was aching. My left shoulder still gives twinges at tai chi. Liz went to serve at the 2.30 Mass for the cathedral meditation group's 25th anniversary and I went to see a lovely garden in Davidson Road open for the NSPCC. The organiser asked if we might open our garden next year! Had choc cake and tea. lovely waterlilies (12 of them), roses, lilies and maize in the next door allotment area!
Sang at Vespers and had a chat to Andrew the director of the Challoner choir who sang Hurford's Litany to the Holy Spirit, Terry Mass and Mozart Ave verum. They are not good. Oliver leaves July 27th to teach in Essex. He played some excelletn Bach at the end. Charlie served and Fr Kingsley celebrated with Fr Christopher and an Argentinian priest. Gorgeous Figaro from Covent Garden on the radio and first episode of "Last choir standing" on TV.


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