In the morning to Upper Norwood to sign wills and got a card for Julian. Tuesday afternoon to library and borrowed 4 books and requested some. To Rahner room for Heythrop scholar seminar with Kim about referencing and guidelines. Met Brazilian student and several others on my course including the formidable Charles. Lecture 2 by Damian on insider/outsider and Cantwell Smith which I finished reading this afternoon! Mentioned to him that I could not hear some of the questions from students in the Brinkman room. Fr Michael Barnes was there and he greeted me - he is moving from Southall to Oxford. To Acton and quite tired.
Wednesday took Liz to Marmalade in the car as her engagement ring had lost a facet and she collected her other ring after it had been adjusted. To deli with Louise. Ciarán enjoyed music. Straight to Hinsley room for spirituality day on kindness with Viv Stacey on Francisco de Osuna. A gentle measured reflection. She is from Cape Town. I got lunch from M & S and in the break read the insider/outsider article.
To Tate Britain to see the John Martin exhibition Apocalypse - liked the light show bit and some of his canvases are amazing.
To Railway tavern Putney for Julian Wales farewell - lovely to see faces from the past again - Marilyn, Pauline, Victor, Hazel, Carol, Cindy, Chris, Marijana, Narayana and lots more. Dave Ainsworth is leaving. I will get lff - library farewell fatigue!