Nigel Groome
Swam 34 despite being late up. Discussion about what needs to be done and I have loads to read. Liz to serve at schools Mass. I went to Beckenham for Nigel's half hour of Handel, Bach, Darke In green pastures (which as he said is a delight) Archer and German. Home by 1.30 to get on with reading articles. I sent Damian an paper on policing which duly apeared on Helios! Not sure I understand or agree with the articles and not sure I've got time to reread them! Is religion inherently prone to violence? Can an inside understand a religion? Evensong from Winchester 3 choirs featured Howells Te Deum and Stanford in A. The evensong from Exeter included Shephard canticles and Laudate Dominum by Ronald Corp written for the St Cecilia festival this year.