Only one way

To Heythrop for conference in Loyola Hall with 3 authors on their book about the uniqueness of Christ and other faiths. The Baptist Dan Strange was so patronising and offensive using YWYH and idolatrous. Gavin D'Costa from Bristol university billed as a trad Catholic thologian proved to be a bit muddled in presentation. Paul Knitter from US was much more to my liking with his open approach. Had picnic with Sister Jo and a Sister of Zion. Michael Barnes spoke to me and met Katarina from the Bishops conference introduced by Damian. Spoke to Archbishop Kevin - he said "something to do with Addiscombe I can't even remember what" so I just said I was at Heythrop and Westminster Cathedral. Our lives were wrecked and he can't even remember! It was a worthwhile day and met some interesting people including a former MA student. One of my questions was asked - the one about using YWYH. To Kensington High street to get mousetraps (I saw a mouse late one night in the lounge). Nick off sick at St Paul's bookshop. To choir - only 4 there. It seems St James Riddlesdown asked them to sing for some special services after last week's joint evensong so I said as long as it did not clash with our services it was OK. Saturday up early and took car to Battersea Park. 9.30 mass with Fr Dominic in Heythrop chapel and Liz served. Sister told me Sr Hilda had broken her hip so sent out an email. Liz was at her class and I met some of them at lunchtime. I worked on my first essay in the library and wrote 1200 words. Another lovely day. To vespers and Mass with Fr Alexander adn Farnborough Hill school choir sang Faure, Kitson and Holst beautifully. I was annoyed that security turned off lights and locked downstairs too early - they should give people time to leave after Mass. Took some clothes to the Passage. Watched more of the Rostropovich programme.


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