
Showing posts from December, 2011


Liz to Acton - watched Royal year and Judy Dench. Mrs Dickens's family Christmas with Sue Perkins funny and moving. Saturday more reading and watched 2 programmes on bell ringing.

Charles Taylor

Great expectations was brilliant. Earthflight is amazing! How do they do it? Dorian Gray was very well done very hedonistic. Started Friday by noting ideas for the dialogue essay. Watched Darcey Bussill dances Hollywood and Musical nativity with John Rutter at Dorchester Abbey. Cambridge Singers including that nice young bass from the cathedral. Gerald Finlay sang beautifully. Finally finished reading A Secular Age 850 pages - the longest book I have ever read!

Ciaran stays up late

Wednesday and the family arrived in our car at the same time as Grainne and Clare with their 2. Alexis was asleep. They all played together very happily. Louise and Tom went out and 2 attempts with stories to get Ciaran off to bed but in the end he stayed downstairs and dropped off on the sofa after watching Gruffalo's child about 9.15 p.m. Tom took him up when they returned. Great Expectations is very fine. Ben Hur was a little disappointing as it underplayed the conversion at the end. Up at 9.30 a.m. and put leg of lamb into oven - it cooked well and Liz used Jamie Oliver's recipe for the sprouts. Josie came for lunch. We had smoked salmon and melon.

Dennis and Annmarie

D and A had been shopping and popped in for a fryup. They got back to Salford at 1 a.m. Used gift vouchers from the children to book ENO Rosenkavalier.

St John's Day

Having come home early on Boxing Day tummies settled down! Had a quiet day catching up on TV = excellent broadcast from York Minster, horrid one from St George's cathedral Southwark - difficult to find anything good to say about it! Becoming Jane excellent, alleged portrait of Jane Austen, Nutcracker from Royal Ballet 2000, Christmas University challenge has been good. London's burning about the riots in Clapham Junction was terrifying. Tuesday to St John's for sung eucharist - nice David Thorne setting and AJEyre carol. Surprise lunch in the vicarage which was lovely.

Mosaic present

This was made for Louise and Tom in 2 sessions and grouted at home.

A different Christmas!

Choir depressing at practice - who would think it's Christmas? Nitpicking. When I said who's going to the pub 2 said No. In the end Caroline, Jenny, Catherine and Molly met Vickie at the White Hart. She likes Rev and in fact based her Christmas sermon on it. Liz had stomach bug so went to doctor and took sample to Mayday. Midnight I fainted while on loo and knocked my forehead. In the morning sick and more diaorrhea so stayed home. Vickie played for 2 crib services and I was able to listen to King's (nice new carol by Tansy Davies) and watch the TV carols, also Pappano on Tosca from Rome and Morecambe and Wise. By 1 p.m. all seemed OK so played for Midnight. Nichole came as Karen was ill. Went well including Harwood in A flat. Christmas Day to St Gertrude's South Croydon for mass with unaccompanied carols - not Silent night again! Gerry and Eileen there and Fr Martin said I could have played. The new texts still throwing people and they have McCrimmon mass books. Played...

Interfaith lunch

Produced a poster for interfaith group in 2012 - 6 discussions on Meeting God in Friend and stranger on 3rd Wednesdays at 4 p.m. in Hinsley Room. I do not have time to arrange speakers or visits! To lunch at Streatham Quaker house - lovely vegetarian and fish dish cooked by Alan. And a good turnout too! More Taylor on return home. Listened to excellent evensong from Portsmouth - Taverner, Praetorius, Wills, excellent plainchant from the men.


Only swam 20 as the water was cold!

Syon Park

Arrived at Acton to find CiarĂ¡n on good form. We slept on the sofabed in the front room and it was much more comfortable! Watched cookery programmes with Hairy Bikers and Jamie Oliver. Also the making of QI. Lazy morning and took CiarĂ¡n in car to Syon Park Snakes and ladders softplay which he loved. He was not impressed when I went to park and go to the loo! He loved the balls and little car. Watched part of programme on Downton Abbey.


Swam 30 and Liz came. To Glyn Close to measure window and check heating. Garden looks very neat. On arrival home for breakfast message from Louise to say CiarĂ¡n had been sick at nursery so packed up car with table, cake, keyboard, etc and Liz went over.

My first cake

|Lie-in and long chat to Ann. Made scrambled eggs for brunch. Decorated cake and grouted mosaic. Looks good. Did some reading. Watched university challenge, Songs of Praise, Antiques roadshow, Dickens spoof, Christmas house lights.

Carolled out

At Coulsdon Tony Trent was there again and we sang Hail blessed virgin Mary and For Mary mother of our Lord. To the Oaks to eat picnic. 2 p.m. at home next to Coulsdon methodist and 3 p.m. at Crystal hone which was very hot and not much response. We sang Rocking and Stille nacht, To St John's for lessons and carols - Poulenc Hodie went well,  Britten Hymn to the virgin. Borrowed trestle table for Christmas. Antiques roadshow compilation. Tired out! John Linney brought Nicole and Robert Fraser bought Benjo.

Reading group lunch

Mike came to fix last of curtains and did Glyn Close ones. Bed delivered up there by Reeves would not go through front door so will be changed! To Battersea Park for reading group lunch at Italian restaurant - £20 because of service charges added - very nice food and company. Changed underpants at M & S. Tate Britain Barry Flanagan early works - like the hares. Tea in members room which will soon be replaced by a new larger room. Vespers O antiphon said much to my disappointment. Fr Michael at mass. 4th candle reluctant to light for Eugene - sticky tape over the wick! Stopper in water came off so panic - I ended up with censer! Harley joined us. Madam Butterfly from the Met on radio on way home - Liz brought car as she brought up iced Christmas cake, January music list done - still have to decorate my cake - marzipan is on and grout my latest project.


Christmas letter now sent out mostly on email. To Topp tiles to get grout and to Post Office. Letter to Oz now costs £1.10! Decorations are all up. Cleaned out water features in garden as we had soft snow this morning. Watched the end of The Slap - very well done. Huon pine pademelon came from Ann - her 55th birthday today. So it went straight on to the tree. To choir and Tony asked about playing the choir in! Vickie is away for Christmas.

Sequel to the car story

Bless him when I rang Vince he said "We need to stick together mate and avoid insurance companies. Your car was much more damaged than mine so just give me £20 for the paint." So after my 30 lengths today I went to the clutch repair place where he works and handed over the cash. Mine will cost more than that! Good programme on TV last night about Mr Reeves who is 80 and how he responded to his famous furniture store being burnt down in the riots.

British library and carols

Wed woke early so read Boyle. CiarĂ¡n do you like Christmas? No. Do you like Father Christmas? No. Do you like presents? Yes. Who comes at Christmas? Grandad! To interfaith group - did talk about our trip. Delay getting the keys but all was well. Met Liz at Chiswick and took C home. Wrote Christmas letter and spent Thursday a.m. sending off copies so no work done. Both of us to British library to see magnificant illuminated manuscripts exhibition - very good free audio guide and too much to take in really. Liz served at John Lewis carols and I went to Heythrop for Advent vespers. Offered help but really not needed. Started with schola in evening dress lined up in sanctuary - ony front row sang motet! Then they move to the gallery lighting our candles and soloist sings first verse of O come O come which is marked as full! Ladies then start verse 2. Excellent homily from the acting principal. Psalmody unaccompanied. Durufle, Part, Palestrina, Tavener and Howells. To Walker room for mince...

3 things on the 13th

Swimming pool closed - too much chlorine. On way home going down Canham Road scraped against a white car's back mudguard getting through the gap - first time in over 40 years of driving. Lost one cufflink at the funeral.

Sr Hilda Denyer R.I.P.

To Heythrop to be early for 11 a.m. requiem. I was usher asking people if they were going to receive communion - not a good idea at an ecumenical interfaith event! It was a beautiful service with music chosen by Hilda and Fr Robin gave an excellent homily. At the end we sang Be still my soul and watched the cars go off then to an excellent catered lunch in the convent. Alfred Agius, Nagase, Sr Margaret, Jon Dal Din and Sr Clare from Oxford who was at Roscrea. Reading library, meal in dining room and Philip came. Last session of the module so given essay questions to choose from, discussion about the course and returned assessment form on which I was quite frank! To Acton and woke at 5 a.m. so got up and read Nicholas Boyle The Way we are now. To interfaith group - delay getting key. 5 came and I talked about our journey. Met Liz at Chiswick and Ciaran had been to a play at Watermans as there was no music.

Carols and waiting

At Coulsdon we sang "Rejoice in the Lord alway" really well. Tony Trent sang alto which helped. I had lunch and practised with Sean and on the organ. 2 p.m. rehearsal for 3  p.m. carols - Adrian played and all went really well - all the practising paid off! Mulled wine and mince pies. Nice to have Francis singing and gave him a lift to East Croydon. Trees up and started decorating. Monday woke 5 a.m. and 7.15 and then at 8.10 having dreamt about Malcolm and the kids. To mosaic and completed the project for Christmas - just some sticking and grouting to do at home. Tai chi - Tony was late so we were larking about a bit. Council guys came and assured us class would continue. To the Plough restaurant which was a disaster -  90 minutes wait for food which was overpriced. 2 ladies turned down their meagre egg and chips for £4.50 so I gave them some of my chips. To Heythrop for Sr Hilda coming into the chapel Vespers. Jon Dal Din and 2 Sisters of Sion were there. Home to more tree...

Modern organ works

At practice last night delighted that Vickie joined the sopranos. We rehearsed "Rejoice in the Lord alway" and worked on diction in the carols. Louise came to stay overnight to borrow the car to go to Basingstoke for Rufus's birthday party - she had her work do and looked very glam. CiarĂ¡n did not like her silver shoes! To St Laurence Catford and arrived early. Michael Bonaventure played Games by Paul Patterson (enormous score) and a piece called The Swim which did nothing for me and Toccata by David Bedford who died this year. Coffee afterwards and interesting chat to choir member on art. To Heythrop for end of term party of Liz's course. Jon Dal Din came and good chat to Fr Dominic Robinson. Friendly bunch and loads to eat and drink. Did some more reading and Liz came home with tummy trouble from milk last night. I served at Mass and Fr Gerard sang beautifully (in pink). Nick was there and spoke to Eugene and I spoke to his Mum. To Turnham Green and taxi to Acton to...

Mildmay Mission HIV/AIDS hospital

To Shoreditch on overground. Walked around from Hoxton (back of Geffrye museum) trying to find the hospital and it turned out ot be opposite St Leonard's church where Rev is filmed. Carol service with Heythrop schola and we sang In the bleak and O little one sweet. Mince pies and mulled wine followed by a tour of the hospital. Costs £3 million a year, currently 16 patients living in and 16 day visitors. Old building being rebuilt.

Immaculate conception

Swam 24 and Liz came as well. To tip to dump chest of drawers and carpet. To Heythrop for college Mass. Arrived 12.30 and saw Joan. Joey seemed pleased to have a tenor and asked me about Alleluia verse. People drifted in to rehearsal. Graham Poulsom was celebrant - he has played guitar at Mass. St John Bosco started his work 160 years ago as a result of a young man asking to serve. We sang "Hail Queen of heaven" - dodgy theology at Heythrop of all places! Also Mary immaculate to Liebster Emmanuel and Sing we of the blessed mother to Abbots Leigh. Saw Sr Simon about Hilda's funeral. At coffee chatted to Philip who sings tenor in the schola and is in my class - thinks Damian pompous and too ready to put people down! Read a book by Habermas and Ratzinger in library. To M & S for tea. No sign of Jordan re my trouser alterations. Acolyte at 5.30 Mass Bishop Hopes. Superb Ave Maria by Mawby. Home to watch Rev and Antiques roadshow and The manor reborn. I was asked if I was ...

CiarĂ¡n is 2

Found the hearing aids next to the front garden path so that's a relief. 7 of us at coffee before the lecture and general moaning about the length of Taylor - I am doing well as some have only read 50 pages and I am at 506! The lecture from Damian was encouraging and ended with some thoughts about multifaith which made me realise that it might be worthwhile after all. We were also handed an assessment form which needs to be honestly completed by all of us! For the first time I actually commented in the lecture - lecture 10 and I finally get to speak! To Acton and watched a bit of Treasures of heaven film. Bed at midnight and woke at 6 a.m. CiarĂ¡n had a great time opening his presents and loved the IKEA kitchen we gave him (Louise and Tom assembled it on Tuesday night). Dennis gave him 2 wooden engines and he loved those. We all went to Wimbledon and had lunch at the Polka theatre cafe and enjoyed "The ugly duckling" beautifully performed and danced by 2 actors. He liked...

Hearing aids

 I found the aids in the front garden next to the path. They must have come out of my pocket when I went to the car this morning. To Catenians and good chat to Harry Mellor and Bill. Miss David Barrett. Some good jokes. I liked the Rabbi last night - "You don't know you are paranoid until you recognise that everyone is picking on you". Jewish atheist - "I'm an atheist, thank God".

More storage

Swam 30. The mosaic of the Maltese cross needed more grout and is complete - looks great. Started on next project. |Full class at tai chi! Cannot find hearing aids - definitely put them in my pocket this morning! Bruce came and put up the new IKEA storage unit in the back bedroom with sliding doors - looks great and the chest of drawers has been smashed up as nobody claimed it on freecycle.

CiarĂ¡n's party

At Coulsdon we sang John Scott's arrangement of Creator of the stars of night. The hearing aids mean that I hear everything loudly and clearly especially some organ stops (organ has been tuned). I played Wachet auf and "Comfort ye" to match the first reading. It is disconcerting hearing my own voice and I could hear the bass really well, The hearing loop works very well. Practised with the kids and then picked up Dennis and to Acton. Goldsmiths Arms for the party on Thomas the tank engine theme - lovely cake. C gots lots of nice presents and very happily playing with the train set and the musical instruments and balloons. Took Dennis to station and the presents back to the house and then to South Hampstead synagogue. Rabbi Shlomo asked some tricky questions and Archbishop Vincent answered frankly and clearly. Archbishop Kevin less so. Met Andrew and his parents and had a good chat, also a lady who asked about spirituality and Philip Rosenberg and his parents. Kim Burke w...

Harry Bramma

To Beckenham for organ recital and found Harry Bramma was standing in for indisposed recitalist (that seems to happen often at St George's!) We were treated to some great Bach chorale preludes. More reading. Liz to confirmation planning. Only one soprano at practice and had a chat to Audra afterwards about PCC comments which was reassuring. Saturday to Heythrop mass for St Francis Xavier and the mass was for Sr Hilda. Liz served. More reading in library but felt quite tired. Tea at M & S and bought a new hat as mine lost at Brentford on Wednesday. Fr Paolo sang well at Mass and excellent choir from Prior Park school Bath - Bairstow Let all mortal flesh, Vittoria, Tallis O nata lux, Gounod. Took Sammes score to Adrian and Dennis came down. Fish pie I cooked yesterday was OK despite spilling pepper on the broccoli.

Heythrop college Mass

Liz returned a.m. and Ocado delivered. To Heythrop for 1 p.m. college Mass. Fr Rocco asked me to read and it was celebration of Jesuit martyrs Edmund Campion, John Southwell - Austrian priest. Schola with guitar, sax (well played) and violin. 2 Haugen items, Farrell and Christ be beside me. Oddly proper not sung! Sr Hilda prayed for - funeral date not decided as yet. At coffee met Matthew the violinist. He is doing MA in pastoral theology and has 4 young children. Turns out he is Unification church at Chislehurst and knows Adrian Lynch - small world! I told him the story of 5 years ago. We had an interesting chat - he went to Cardinal Vaughan school and his parents arranged his marriage! Reading Cavanaugh on Helios and listened to vespers from the Oratory and Benjamin Britten on The choir. Met a Catenian on the train from Dulwich circle!

Syrian Orthodox church and Nicholas Kynaston

Tuesday reading and to college for 5 for session on good essay writing with Damian and an interesting lecture. To Acton and slept better on my own. Took CiarĂ¡n to music without buggy and he shouted out the names of instruments! Liz arrived during coffee - we were watching tractors dredging the river. Lost my hat. To Chiswick for Mass for St Andrew's Day with Fr Graham. CiarĂ¡n singing Happy birthday (Advent wreath candles look like a cake!) and Baby Jesus! Lunch at Carluccios - nice risotto. Tiring walk back and he didn't drop off! To Heythrop for 4 for lecture on Syrian Orthodox church with Sebastian Barry from Oxford. I asked a question about relations to Islam and got a good answer from Anthony O'Mahony. Met a PhD student from Oxford - interesting chat. To library and then to cathedral for Kynaston's 70th birthday concert. Hearing aids made organ very loud and eventually took them out. Awful lot of loud reeds in use - score for Franck No. 2, Mozart. Alain and Liszt no...