A new job, BIshops and cathedrals!

Liz to cathedral. I went to St Michael Beckenham and arrived at 10 a.m. Met Steve the thurifer who plays and is doing ordination training in Oxford 2 days a week. Met the Bishop of Rochester who I met at Hayes and Paul introduced me to lots of people. Robed choir of 3. I played Bach, Mawby and Cook for Candlemas and all went well. Shared lunch and I reckon every member of the congregation of 35 spoke to me very enthusiastically.Paid cash by treasurer. We went through the Kontakion for Alan's funeral and I corrected vowels! The Bishop came and had a play too! He is very approachable. I got to St Paul's cathedral late for Stephen Cotterill's talk on Stanley Spencer's paintings of Christ in the wilderness which are in Perth, W.A. It was standing room only.
To Suthwark cathedral for evensong - 4 cathedral chaplains were welcomed and Frank and Phillipa Millingotn were there to support the curate from St Mary Addington whose post has been deleted. Noble in B minor, William Smith of Durham, Jonathan Dove anthem Vast ocean of light exciting. Howells and Whitlock Plymouth Toccata. Excellent sermon from the treasurer.
To the cathedral on tube and bus for Peter Stevens playing Franck Priere (with score) and Choral No. 3. Then to the Anney where Ronnie Krippner played Bach and the same Choral. His registrated changes worked better - maybe he had assistance which Peter did not. He played a brilliant improvised partita on Hail to the Lord's anointed. Home for nice dinner and watching Brian Cox on Life and Call the midwife and Come dine with me. All the Christmas stuff now put away.


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