Have your say

Tuesday swam 22 and set off to Heythrop for 1.30 meeting Have your say. I spoke first and raised tutorial in first term, problems with theological and philosophical language and the Saturday group being bottom of the pile. I also spoke to Nadeem about that group not getting college emails. Fr Michael Holman responded well and so did Kim and the staff. Also spoke to Peter of the union about being on a liaison group and functions for all age groups. Nice lunch and glad I went. Chatted to Tony Carroll who has married. Bus and train to Acton and played track with Ciarán. Liz arrived later and Seán woke when Louise and Tom were out so gave him a bottle and he fell asleep. Watched Dancing on the edge. Read Cornille article and then to spirituality day. I had not been there for months and Eileen did a meditation on washing the feet. After lunch we washed each other's hands in turn and dried them - rather moving. I decided not to stay and delivered posters about the Lent group. To Heythrop and worked in library. Went to lecture on the Armenian church which was rather dull but Prof Richard Price gave a long comment full of dates! Had dinner with Kim and she said a special social was planned for part-timers as a result of my comments! I also told Paula about the reaction. Michael Barnes was on good form. Liz was at RCIA and arrived at Selhurst on the next train after me.


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