Ordinations and a dinner

Took Liz to West Norwood in order to get to college. Train to Dalston Junction then bus to Stamford Hill. Magnificent St Ignatius church and I was early so saw Fr Swavek who was MC for Bishop John. 7 deacons ordained for Jesuits from different provinces -Peru. Germany, Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam. Bishop John spoke really well. David Gammie played. Walked to reception in school hall and met Peter Redemptorist and Sr Eileen - had  a good chat. Bus and tubes to Edgware Road and arrived early. South London circle centenary Mass - the booklet was rubbish, lots of mistakes despite my emails. Rehearsed with singer Katie and string quartet and all went OK although she did not sing the Sanctus at the service! Archbishop Peter Smith and Fr Philip very friendly. Liz served and we then walked to the Landmark hotel expecting to just go to the reception, Turned out we were guests at the lavish banquet and we sat with Harry Mellor and Peter Higgs. Finished at 11.30 taxis and train quite quickly home.
Sunday to St Michael's and rehearsed Murray psalm and setting. All went well and I repeated the Karg-Elert I had played at Marylebone. Fr Paul happy and met a wedding couple. Got paid for 3 services and practised Lenten preludes. Long chat to Paul Britton on Skype about reunion and Dennis rang.


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