
Swam 20. Do not like Liz's haircut much - too short. I loaded up the pots in the car and she took them to the tip - she fell over the old washing line. Set off early and went to Balham library - delay as only 3 staff on and not pleased when 3rd staff member came up to desk and did not ask who was next - result woman queue jumped - sent a message to Jeremy. Cannot remember her name - she used to work at York. Got to Heythrop around 12 noon which was OK. Schola out in force for Dominic's debut. The Purcell Hear my prayer actually was OK but little sense of ensemble singing. Everybody grimly holding on to lines - 8 part and the tuning is tricky. Gemma was OK if a little bossy - I found it hard to hear her. I played Purcell, Watson and Karg-Elert. Michael Holman gave a great tribute to Rocco who finishes his degree next term and is posted to Japan by his order! Went to coffee and told Sr Mary about Rocco concelebrating at the cathedral - I will miss it! To Acton on 452  - long detour but arrived as they left nursery. Louise had forgotten I was coming. Sat in garden in sunshine - Seán crawling and happy. Ciaran at water table - Do you like being alone Granddad? He stripped off! I got tea on my summer brown trousers so dired them off while I wore shorts. Just missed train so result I was 2 minutes late for meditation at meditatio so sat downstairs. Kim Nataraja spoke on the desert fathers and I commented on the link to Buddhism - she said she had read a book recently on Eckhart and Ibn Arabi. A good session although I was a little itred having woken early again. Home to watch Apprentice and fell asleep! This morning I did emails regarding Presidents Sunday (3 apologies so far) and clergy supper. Suggested to Fr Joe that we bury the hatchet after 10 years and he responded positively. Nice note from St Chad's as well. I saw Michael Barnes - have you seen our mutual friend Xavier - did you play well? Of course! Felt sad but happy. 


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