Robin Burgess

Swam 20. To Hinsley room for spirituality day. Because it was Fr Robin there was a bumper turnout! He was excellent and spoke on John. We were left to consider Jesus third appearance after the resurrection - the Come and have breakfast one at the Sea of Tiberias. I wrote a long imaginative description imaging myself as St John. It seems almost surreal - real but strange with lack of recognition and sudden realisations. How did John feel? He had been tot he tomb and he believed, he was overjoyed to see the Lord and yet they all went home to fishing. And now it is dawn and they have caught nothing. It's like the morning after a great event - a birth or death and you begin to realise that nothing in your world will ever be the same again. What would I say to Jesus? I'm sorry, I love you, I missed you and he would hug me. Think of touching in the story - the kisses (Mary, Judas) John leaning on his breast as they lay round the table, Mary washing his feet with her hair, taking him down from the cross and preparing him for burial, clinging to him in the garden. It is all very tactile, How tactile am I? Am I doing now what I should be doing? In all my crowded diary how much is for God? How much just for myself? How much time for Liz? How much time for grandsons? This was a rich contemplation leaving me fired up but yet peaceful. We had a 10th anniversary celebration with cake and champagne for the group and Eileen gave me the Waitrose plastic glasses to use at the President's Sunday which is to be in the Hinsley room on July 13th followed by Sat 6 p.m.Mass. John is giving us the room at half price because the Catenians give so much to the cathedral. One thing I did not share was the delightful idea of Jesus swimming and laughing with his friends.


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