VE day

A good day at St Matthew's looking at strengths and weaknesses and what makes for a happy day (smiling in my case) - only 2 more sessions of the spiritual direction course left and then to Regent Street to finish the CiarĂ¡n portrait.Westminster cathedral VE day party turns out to have been cancelled so turning up in red white and blue with hats from the Last night a little pointless so we had an excellent dinner at Il Porto trattoria near Victoria and went up to Trafalgar Square - no sign of promised VE day floodlights but lots of flags in Parliament Square.
Clegg, Miliband and Farage all resign! Was up to 3.30 a.m. watching election results. Sad to see Simon Hughes gone and Vince Cable. Ed Balls is no loss. Croydon central stayed Tory by 243 votes! 


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