Fr Leon

My second Sunday of the interregnum - there are significant changes in the congregation and new church wardens. Fr Leon sings everything including the Gospel. He is enthusiastic and clearly enjoyed my playing. We managed the psalm on minimal rehearsal and I played Ridout;s fun piece on "This joyful Eastertide" (A lady asked about this hymn - she really liked it) Archer on St Fulbert and Willan on Vulpius and also did some improvising! When practising had a go at Bach passacaglia and final section of Messiah. Service now startsa round 10.50 so it means getting to St Paul's cathedral for 1 p.m. talk unlikely. Nice chicken for lunch and watched Sex and the Church and National Gallery and Rick Wakeman on Vivaldi Four Seasons. At evensong we sang Walmisley in D minor and Wesley The Lord hath been mindful of us. Benediction. Dennis and Ann Marie came down.


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