Tony Potter

Liz at Acton and servers council dinner. To St Mary's for 9 a.m. practice tme lost by morning prayer then told to play! I played Faure, Elgar and Handel and Brahms. Fr Michael very friendly. The ladies turned up to sing plainchant mass setting unaccompanied - not bad. Fr M announces nothing and adds to the Mass all over the place particularly bad during the censing of the coffin. Louise Sage there. I got to Bandon Hill cemetery in the end having got slightly muddled. Tony was buried with Bernadette. To Wndmill pub and Felicity and Hilary were there and John Beers' wife. Met Michael Mead and 2 singers from Southwark cathedral Thursday singers - it was my email which alerted Peter Wright to the funeral. To LJS for Channukah. Paul Champain director of 3 Faiths forum spoke and the mixed-up chorus sang well, We learnt 2 songs and 4 candles were let. Met several people over doughnuts - John usher at cathedral, Bishop Michael Ipgrave, Michael Redman, Alan Rainer. Home to watch The Apprentice and Mary Rose.


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