Stephen Cherry

Played Bach O mensch bewein and Descent from the Cross from St Matthew Passion bass Recit which mentions Adam. We sang Sweelinck Miserere and Walsingham Shrine Mass II. I commented that the latter is essentially a waltz and Jerry was amused by that. Excellent talk by Stephen Cherry at St Paul's cathedral on the dark side of the soul. His clusters of sins very helpful e.g. Temporal disjunctions, tragic desires, malicious tendencies, impossible ideas, vicious regards, naughty but nice. How refreshing to hear snobbery, cruelty, lack of self esteem named. Temporal disjunctions include getting time wrong, boredom, business, nostalgia and forgetfulness about the past. Tragic desires include lust, greed, insatiability and desire for control. He spoke about disengaging cynicism in face of modern politics. What am I For? is the? for young men. I liked sin defined as anything that makes God frown which implies that God smiles at good deeds but even there compassion can be tricky. Home for delicious lunch of roast chicken. It was very wet so Liz did not go to Vespers. Vi will not be singing at the Vigil and Peregrine is doubtful for Maundy Thursday. We need more singers to respond to my posters and fliers.!
At stations played Preludes on Rockingham by Willan, Donald Hunt and Parry. Watched Call the midwife and the painting challenge on portraits I was early so played Howells and Fantasia in G minor. Alas the Bach book fell under the shelves by the console so I will need to take kitchen pincers to retrieve next Sunday1


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