
Showing posts from October, 2017

Bake off

Swam very quiet when I arrived but the lady who swims fast in the slow lane arrived. I see the nutty lady is still about. Mass, Henry came and is crawling! He is so cure. Paul's birthday and he had been on freefall machine. To quiet time. Liz to Acton. Skype meeting on Catenian youth matters - 4 of us and it was excellent. Bake off final. Sue Perkins pilgrimage down the Ganges.

Patrick Russill

Swam, Mass, mosaic (changed colour of lips to lighter otherwise he would have looked like the Joker) tai chi exercises (did not like Morrissey track at all). Lots of emails. Liz to doctor.  Patrick Russill played really well at Brompton Oratory and the priest said some lovely things about him. Titelouze, Dupre, Howells and Langlais. Great to see Benjy Bloor, John East, Peter Wright and  Marko Sever . I found a booklet from Jeremy Filsell's Complete works of Dupre concerts with notes by David Gammie. It was in Alan Burtonshaw's music. Patrick said the adrenalin really kicked in - only his second concert this year! Watched programme on Du Pre. 

Henry comes to visit


Videos of Henry


Baby Henry


Living with the gods

Liz took one of the boys to a sleepover in the BUG house at London Zoo. Great fun had by all specially our walk around in the dark to see some animals that come out at night. Also tee shirt designing as mask making.  Priere a Notre Dame and Toccata from Suite Gothique today. I think the rehearsal went better than the performance - maybe I speeded up too much!  We went to the community preview of Living with the Gods at the British Museum which is featured in Neil MacGregor's outstanding radio 4 series. Not to be missed! Watched German dramatisation of Luther's reformation and Bad habits again.  Simon Reeve in Russia. Blue planet II was great.


I warmed to the  new Mander organ at St Mary Merton Park after a while. Lunch at Elys. Fine organ at St Mary's Wimbledon village. Rather a lot of walking. The Mass at Anerley for feast of St Simon and St Jude was for Canon Gerald Coates RIP long a member of Society of St Gregory and a wonderful man. His funeral is Nov 9 at noon Arundel cathedral..  Why do some organ teachers tell students not to wear shoes? It is so dangerous and Peter Hurford is adamant that shoes improve your pedalling.  Daniel Cook from Durham cathedral played superbly at Bloomsbury Baptist - Parry, Byrd, Elgar Prelude and Angel's farewell from Gerontius (one of my favourites) and Bairstow. I was sorry to miss the Howells and Willan. Piccolo Lasso from Dublin sang beautifully at the cathedral Bodley Mass and Welsey Love one another. fr Michael was chatting about Hereford and Fr Michael Quaqoe is back from Ghana. Furious that it appeared that the cassocks I had taken off the rack for replacement had be...


Watched My week as a Muslim, end of Apprentice and Bake off an extra slice. Living with the Gods excellent. Meditation from Belmont Abbey lovely and included icon painting by Father Alex and Brother Bernard making rosaries. Young chorister of the year on radio 2. Bad habits was good.


Too late to swim again and have gained weight again! To Mass and Fr Stuart back. To tip and cleared garden rubbish. Only Croydon residents may use tip. Nice clear day. Liz going to Bedbugs at London Zoo with Ciaran overnight. Fixed up car dashcam and new tyre checker. Liz pleased by trophy. Did Courtauld gallery survey.

Neil MacGregor

Liz had a lovely day out at Brick in Birmingham. What an amazing collection of all things Lego. Woke late so no swim. To Mass, Skipped art and listened to Neil MacGregor's talks on Living with the gods. To Streatham on 12 noon train and bus to South london interfaith group lunch. Interesting. To Clapham Picture to see The Death of Stalin hilarious black humour. Simon Russell Beale as Beria was outstanding.  Wimbledon Catenian photo night. Excellent duck dinner. I put in 9 photos and "Olive is 100" won the Family category, the Barbara Goulden trophy and wine!


Slept well, swam 18, Mass and to coffee. I spoke to the lady in pink coat but she is very deaf. She talks during Mass and Fr Sunith says nobody knows her name or address. It is scary that Catenian Eric Smith completely disappeared. I am still talking about the UCL experience. To Royal Albert Hall and good seats in the stalls but hard to hear dialogue. The boys enjoyed it.  The highlights of the concert for children at RAH were the sea sections Wagner and Britten and Firebird and Going on a bear hunt. Liz went to Trailfinders to pay remainder for the cruise in February.  The boys were playing up on the bus and train and got a rocket from Louise with tomorrow's trip to Brick in Birmingham in the balance. To Station house for Frank's  birthday - had pizza and beer. To cathedral  As expected Adriano Falconi's programme at the cathedral was heavy going lots of Reger and Liszt. The acoustic does not make for clarity in fugues. Good to see  Madeline Smith  and...


Swim,Mass, Henry came and played well - he liked the elephant train, piano and mobile. Mick came and a good session. To quiet time and Tom and 2 others were there. Liz to Acton after dinner and I drove to Swanley for Provincial council. Quite lively and Mike had a go at the end about poor chairing. The development report was supported. Did an icon for Kingston circle. Meditation from monastery on radio 3. 


Swim, Mass with Liz, mosaic they enjoyed Ravenna and liked the cakes and 181 evensong booklet, tai chi 2 newcomers. Some good reactions from Shona and Jerry about the carols. Numerous Catenian emails! To Beckenham meeting and Danny PP's official visit. Change is in the air.


Today a lady came to compliment the 4 of us on the anthem King of glory Bach arranged Harris. I played Boellmann Angelus, Verset on Adoro The and Carillon. There wasn't time to play Elevation which is a bit like Puccini! Just before the first hymn the book fell off the stool onto the pedals so there was a gap while I retrieved it and found the number. As Fr Jerry said in his excellent sermon Murphy's law. I liked the Gilbert principle i.e.only promote the incompetent to management so they can do the least harm to the bank! Good practice afterwards and 2 new items introduced. Watched Lucy Worsley on opera and fell asleep - I woke early again. Evensong at St John's Sumsion in A and Bruckner Christus factus est. The vowels were not the same and pitching difficult. Bob changed sides which did not really help! Victoria returns at Christmas! Antiques roadshow. University challenge. Glyndebourne Hamlet by Brett Dean. Programme on governments using music 

Servers Mass

To SGI Africa event and excellent banners about Gandhi and peace . UCL event Gandhi quizzes and interesting copying ritual research on autism and reactions to thinking about power and control. Made a badge. Made me feel happy and contented with my life. Love is more important than having power.  2 masses at the cathedral ; the Cardinal celebrated National servers Mass and gave a great homily about icebergs. I looked after offertory and Liz the readers.  Rebecca was everywhere and she was supposed to be sacrstan! I sorted out some poor quality cassocks and cottas were said by her to have been washed 3 weeks ago - they look so dingy. Fr Tony spoke about Missio and South Sudan - he knows Frank Savage and Diana Mills who was there. Watched Bad habits and lost masterpiece. 

Augustine Hoey

Woke at 3am yesterday no wonder I dropped off during Finding Vincent! 4 am today - Liz has a bad cough.  Ciaran spoke so well at assembly and it was all about baptism. The singing is much better. To Field's for eggs Benedict delicious. A great sendoff at the cathedral for Mgr Augustine Hoey who was 100. Faure requiem, Jerusalem the golden, Let all mortal flesh, Tell out my soul, Widor Toccata. To Courtauld to see Soutine portraits and drawings.  Follia really are an excellent ensemble thanks to  Yat-Soon Yeo  for telling us about the St Mary at Hill concert Telemann in Paris. No doubt that Telemann stands head and shoulders above his contemporaries except Bach and Handel. Very glad that Paul allowed us both to serve and I was book and Liz was mitre. The Cardinal and Fr Alexander thanked me. I dashed off to see Mary Goggins at Mount St but they want to charge by the hour which is a shame. 

Peter Holder

I have uploaded 9 entries for the Wimbledon Catenian photo night.  Peter Holder who is moving from St Paul's to Westminster Abbey played very well at St John Upper Norwood. Handel, Howells, Hollins, Debussy, Vierne and Carmen followed by Lemare. You would think from Lemaire's Carmen that she does not die and it is all rather jolly. Moonlight and roses with tremulant reminded me of Dad starting at St Mark's. Older lady "O Mr Woodhouse you never use that nice trembly stop that Mr Lloyd loved to use". To Acton. Brendan has finally replied no hint of an apology.


To art and good progress on the cheetahs. Lunch at Johnnies cafe Lordship Lane and delicious icecreams at Oddono's then to Picturehouse to see Finding Vincent. Very clever but not sure I am happy with the idea of animating paintings which really are autobiographical. Van Gogh always paints himself or rather his mood.

Well being

Swim and Mass and had a lovely chat to Sean at coffee. St Luke's day doctor and patron of artists.  Excellent playing from Lukas Arvidsson from Sweden at St Michael's including Parry and an improvisation.  Qaisra Khan gave us 5 daily tips for mental wellbeing and asked how our faith helped us. To Holy Trinity Sloane St to hear Norman Harper play Bach, Howells and Mathias most enjoyable. Watched Bake off. 

Rochester cathedral

Swim and Mass. Wrote articles for Music and liturgy and Monastic Musicians. Henry came. Long chat to Ann on Skype on Liz's new laptop. Went up to St John's for quiet time but Fr Tom not there so sat in lady chapel and home for food.  Rochester cathedral boys sang with Westminster cathedral boys beautifully Britten, Lallouette, Crivelli. Great to have the Dorian fugue. Good parish meeting and met the new manager. Watching Reformation programme and Lucy Worsley. Well done  Scott Farrell , Martin Baker and  Carl Jackson .

David Hill

After swim and Mass I finally got to Halfords to get a new interior light bulb. They do not take out interior lenses as they easily break but they lent me a plastic prong and I got it out. I then realised I was in the back and the childlocks were on so had to climb over into the front seat. It must have looked very funny. They did not have the bulb but the scrapyard across the road did! Let there be light!  David Hill played brilliantly and musically at St Michael Cornhill. The Bach was the last piece my Dad played before he had the second stroke fantasia on Komm heiliger Geist, Willan, Karg-Elert and Francis Jackson.The Jackson was his doctorate piece and it is very fine. To Guildhall gallery to see Nature morte and Barbican music library to see Sir Simon Rattle exhibition.  Thanks to  Jonathan Rennert  for telling us about Monday choral evensong at 6 at St Michael Cornhill I enjoyed the Howells and Bainton. Well done tenors! The sermon was rather good. Do we reall...


Played Peeters on Ewing and Boellmann Chorale and minuet from Suite gothique. He died 11 Oct 1897. We sang Brother James' Air and a simple hymn by John Bell Bread blessed and broken which I did not know. Also Jerusalem the golden.  The 3 monks from Downside who were at mass last night now on radio 3 singing Gregorian chant.  What a delight Elgar's Vesper voluntaries which I played at evensong tonight are. Earlier I was enjoying playing the Enigma variations on the piano tenderness combined with gentle humour. Got to Purley and train cancelled so home on buses.  Jonas Kaufmann on TV what a singer! Otello from Covent Garden. 

Lucy Winkett

Liz and I gave an hour interview to Croydon museum about Fairfield Hall and music locally. Really enjoyed it and remembered schools dance and concerts/ Welcoming at the cathedral. Excellent sung Eucharist at the Abbey enjoyed the Monteverdi Beatus vir and visited the Confessor's shrine followed by wine. I got there at 4 pm so we were well forward in the large queue and we sat at the front of the transept. Lovely meal at Browns with Society of St Gregory friends. Nice to see people we follow on Facebook!  Fr Andrew who was ordained with  Brian O'Mahony  was also at Browns. He is now at St Mary Moorfields. Society of St Gregory AGM and Crichton lecture given by Rev Canon Lucy Winkett excellent. I spoke about MM in Romsey. John Ainslie on psalms. Enjoyed it. Drove up to town as Liz went to dinner dance at school. New children's Victoria choir sang at Mass and 3 Downside monks concelebrated. They will be on BBC 4 very soon in a new series. T...

Wallace collection

To art and cake and photos from the party much appreciated. The Bowes museum Spanish paintings at the Wallace collection are splendid especially the El Greco having recently been in the Prado and Toledo. Cannot say the same about Jasper Johns at Royal Academy. The new loos are a great improvement! I did not go to Dali\Duchamp as I can't stand the Surrealists. Super evensong with combined cathedral and Abbey choirs at Westminster Abbey Victoria and Schutz. Very inspiring to see the boys so close.  Peter Stevens  played the Durufle Toccata brilliantly. Good turnout from the cathedral and I told the Dean SSG will be there tomorrow. John East and Marko there. Some bod tried to stop me sitting in the 4th row with cathedral folk so I told him why I was sitting there and that I had been to the Abbey before. He said lots of people have not. Later he beetled off to the choir. Very officious. Redid letter to Brendan. Watched Simon Reeve in Russia and Bake off extra slice.


The Manager Thornton Heath Leisure centre Dear Sir/Madam, Yesterday 9/10/17 at about 8.40 a.m. I was finishing my swim. As you can see from the enclosed diagram I was swimming on my back next to the edge in the lane nearest to the attendant. I noticed an elderly woman who comes regularly to the pool. She wears a black cap, black costume and black “flippers”. She swam down the pool in the same lane as me and did exercises in the corner. When I started my length, she was still doing the exercises. She swam into me on her front and said “That was a bit of a surprise wasn’t it?” I replied that it certainly was and what was she doing? She refused to listen to me and spoke to the attendant who was right next to both of us. (I had not seen him before although I come on most days – a bearded young man). She apparently asked him to move the sign to swim in a circle from the second lane to the lane where we were swimming. To my surprise he went and moved the sign. I waited to speak to t...


Henry came today and that was fun. To lunch at Toby Carvery with Beckenham circle brothers and widows - delicious and very reasonable. To quiet time at St John Upper Norwood but Fr Tom not there - lovely to sit in the church. Liz at servers council. Watched Bakeoff. Did emails and form about green spaces under threat. Christmas list of practices. Who is cute?

Benjy Bloor

I went back to tai chi today after a long gap thanks to the Proms, Spain and Belmont. We did a Japanese exercise The Cycle of Life.  Benjy Bloor  played superbly at Brompton Oratory. That organ really speaks like a voice singing! Good to see  Marko Sever  .Nice to meet Benjy's wife and they enjoyed Bali. Marko is playing at the cathedral Jan 28th. Saw Paddy Russill and Charles Cole. 


Woke early. Bruce left at 5 a.m. It was lovely to see him. 2 dilemmas have been resolved. At church Margaret spoke about the incident last Sunday evening. She was the one who commented that we did not want people like A in our church! I pointed out that the doors were wide open and we had to welcome everybody whatever their views. Also that I could not control the behaviour of people joining the choir. I agree that A did have a go at Jerry but I don't think she was rude. Annoyed at the cleaner's behaviour and the lack of publicity for evensong but not rude. Her timing was not great! Any way I complimented Jerry on his sermon on the vineyard and welcome and he commented on Facebook about it too. I played well too after the boost from Belmont. I now have a speaker for Oct 18th to replace Sheikh Ramzy.  Qaisra Khan has kindly agreed to come and speak on  mental health and spirtuality/faith. "How our faith can contribute to our wellbeing" This will be on  Wednesday Octo...


Played Couperin Benedictus and Dubois Grand Choeur. We sang Thee we adore. A good sermon from  Jerry Garton  you can read it on the website. It was on welcome. He does not like The Apprentice it makes me laugh!  The 181 party at St John Upper Norwood was a great success - the Bold Balladiers were great and Terry took the photos. Evensong was a delight and everybody enjoyed it so much. Walmisley in D minor, Rachmaninov Bogoroditse, Ireland Greater love, Angels voices, Nun Danket Karg-Elert and Father hear the prayer which he had at out wedding. Fr John gave an amusing address. What a happy day! Great to have all the family together and so many friends from the different parts of our lives - Catenians, interfaith, Gallery Prommers, art, church. Richard Peregrine who started school with me in Joburg aged 6 and of course  Michael Goldthorpe  who came out to South Africa when I was 15. Lots of cards and contributions for CAFOD and Musicians fund - thank you all!...

This week

First the crisis with the cleaner and the comments after choral evensong on Sunday, then having to cancel to talk on dementia awareness in November and great unhappiness over that, then Sheikh Ramzy cancels October 18th talk so woe! Trying to get another speaker. On the plus side encouragment at Belmont from the group and George, a kind email from Philip explaining things in a better way and now this morning a delightful coffee and cake concert by the London Mozart Players sextet at St John's. Mozart Divertimento and Tchaikovsky Souvenir de Florence what a joy and a large audience. The wit and the passing of melodies from cello to violin - a delight. Nancy is 93. Ian is coming tomorrow and so is Fr Andrew. Hovering around 30/40 at the moment. We got home at 6.45 last night and I collected Bruce at 9.45 at East Croydon - great to have him home. He has gone to Louise's. Collected the cake from Alena in Tooting and it is a triumph!  German choir from Bernkastel at Mass sang Pales...


Friday to 8 a.m. Mass Thomas who is decidedly odd introduced his Salve and the Ampleforth gradual was introduced. Excellent session in the choir singing the orthodox liturgy with Angie. After lunch they went to Abbeydore and Kilpeck. We practised and I played the organ Dom Andrew Moore and did several sketches - lovely clear blue sky. After compline music and nibbles we sang 2 duets (not very well need to transpose Novello down), oboe and viola solos. Angie did 2 poems. Enjoyed it. Trip advisor on Spain. 


Liz was delighted that Fr Dennis is here with 4 who were ordained wth him as Anglicans! Up at 6.30 a.m. St Francis of Assisi. Very annoyed with Catenians now not wanting talk on dementia at Nov circle and not inviting outsiders. Danny happy to go ahead. I am inclined to resign or transfer to Beckenham! George Arthur Richford from Romsey Abbey led two excellent sessions on contemporary church music and the problems we all face. Very helpful. Watched The apprentice and having posted Spain photos on Facebook doing trip advisor. David Starkey on the reformation quite interesting. 


Buses to Euston, The trains via Birmingham were fine and it is easier and cheaper going that way! Passed Malvern - great views. Taxi very helpful and arrived 3 p.m. Warm welcome from Julian, Dom Brendan and the abbot. Not many have come. Vespers and compline - food as good as ever. Watched University challenge and Natalie Klein on music to infuence politics. Up for 6.30 a.m. 12 years since Alan died! Feast of St Thomas Cantelupe so today became Guardian Angels. 8 a.m. Mass Robert Sholl on Messiaen and Part - prefer the latter. After lunch walk in garden. To Hereford cathedral and saw mediaeval choir book, chained library and Mappa Mundi. Tea at the deanery and lovely garden down to the river Wye. Very friendly. evensong was good - Wise and easy Stanford anthem as boys are new. They sang the long psalm 18 well. The stained glass windows for Thomas Traherne are great (Tom Denny) and new St Ethelbert and St Thomas shrines are lovely. Wine at dinner and Fr Dennis is here! Watched Bake off...


23.9.17 7.50 a.m. set off for Montserrat another highlight. Stunning views and great to be among the first to see the Black Madonna – first coach in the car park and miraculous how Bernardo reversed out! An excellent driver. The crowds arrived soon after us with a big queue for the Madonna. Lit candle. Did a sketch of the amazing rock formations which I remembered well from 1974. Went back into the church magnificent organ and lovely sculpture in Blessed Sacrament chapel. Bought nice things in shop and good to know boys choir still sings at 1 p.m. To Sagrada Familia with guide Santi wonderful and excellent museum downstairs. We were lucky to get in as it was open day for the locals so had to be booked online. Queue for security. Finished at 2.45 which worked well as we got our stuff off the coach and jumped in a taxi to the Picasso museum who took us quite close. He had to open a special barrier. The museum is very good and interesting to see his Meninas the Velasquez we saw at the s...


22.9.17 Sean is 5! Spoke to him on phone. Left 8 am stopped at Peniscola for coffee and did 2 sketches the second one quite good of the ramparts from the beach. Lunch of salad at services. Cava winery cellars Castellroig tasted 3 different ones – very nice. Arrived Barcelona – Melia Barcelona hotel Sarria 2 miles from centre convenient for main road Diagonal to airport and Montserrat but not good for sightseeing. Booked Picasso museum. Ate at Central cafĂ© (salmon rice – too much) at L’illa big shopping centre.


21.9.17 Long drive 8 am start with 2 stops. Changing scenery and back to the Med. Valencia modern hotel Bercelo Hotel Valencia impressed by Arts and Sciences new buildings and walked into town. Got to cathedral to find it just closing. Mass at the church of the Virgin, bishop’s palace and Gothic church of San Catharine. To the cafĂ© of the same name for delicious farton and almond milk. I went back to the cathedral and got in free. Chapel of the Holy Grail beautiful alabaster. Resurrection chapel with arm of St Vincent. To paella demonstration and a large meal (too much again). Good view from hotel roof of the new buildings. Pool on roof but closed by then 9 p.m. 


A day of mixed fortunes spent at Caterham. 2 girls came to sing one of them 5 minutes before the service and Folake was late. We sang For the fruits of all creation at both services. Good Harvest lunch.  A day spent at Caterham. Harvest and we had 2 youngsters singing this morning and choral evensong. Harvest lunch was excellent. Our table lost out as we did not have all the clues! We sang For the fruits of all creation at both services and I played Francis Jackson's voluntary on East Acklam - happy birthday 100 year old! Also played Statham on Monkland, Lloyd Webber on Fair waved the golden corn and Peeters on Wir plufgen. Very disappointed that the first choral evensong since Jill left was marred by the cleaner of the hall who was unpleasant to me and downright rude to Andrea. Sadly Andrea chose the moment to have a go at Jerry about poor publicity which he of course did not like. She quoted  Matthew 25 and I am afraid that Margaret's comment was very unfriendly. I cannot b...

I am 71

A pleasant day working on transferring my holiday diary to blog and Facebook. At last the photos loaded onto the laptop. Adrian Gunning's recital (preferred Langlais to Vierne, Carl jackson was turning over and adding stops) and Fr Michael at Mass. Must be the loudest homily I have ever heard from the visiting Dominican appealling for funds for Zimbabwe! Train delayed coming home in rain. Red wine now open for birthday dinner! Sticky toffee pudding.  Ann, Dennis and Bruce rang. Lots of facebook messages. Nice brown jumper from Liz. Watched Songs of Praise. and London Fire Brigade.