
 St Maximilian Kolbe Mass Blackfriars Oxford. Enjoying 2003 prom Dido and Aeneas with Sarah Connolly and Christopher Purves. Watching BBC The great Australian dream. One for Ann Lennox and Paul Lennox! About an aboriginal in the Swans team. Having a big clear out again and lots of VHS tapes to chuck. It seems they cannot be put in recycling as they do not take hard plastic. The same would apply to cassettes of which we have 100s! I Fagiolini concert from Voces 8 foundation series of Monteverdi. Glorious sounds! Daniel Cook on you tube playing at Jam on the Marsh St Leonard Hythe includes Bingham and Arthur Milner. I have a delightful Fantasy-Variations on a Northumbria folk song by Milner. Watching Disney The Flood about the Okavango.


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